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EE359 – Lecture 9 Outline Announcements: Linear Modulation Review

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1 EE359 – Lecture 9 Outline Announcements: Linear Modulation Review
Tom's OHs today 1-2pm New discussion section and OH times starting next week Wednesdays 5-6pm Discussion session (Packard 361), Tom’s OHs afterwards Project proposals due midnight 10/27; get early feedback Midterm Nov. 9, 6-8pm (pizza after), more details next week me/TAs if you have a conflict Open book/notes. Covers through diversity. No HW that week. Over next week: propose dates for MT review, post practice MTs. Linear Modulation Review Linear Modulation Performance in AWGN Q-Function representations Probability of error in fading Outage probability Average Ps (Pb)

2 Review of Last Lecture Capacity in Flat-Fading: g known at TX/RX
Optimal Adaptation: Power: 1/g0-1/g, Rate: Blog2(g/g0); Depend on p(g) only through g0 Channel Inversion and Truncated Inversion Received SNR constant; Capacity is Blog2(1+s) above an outage level associated with truncation Capacity of ISI channels Divide wideband channel into narrowband flat-fading subchannels of bandwidth B approximately equal to Bc Each subchannel has NB fading approx. independent from others Water-filling of power over freq; or time and freq. 1/|H(f)|2 Total Power 1/g0 Bc P(fi) 1/|H(fi)|2 f fi

3 Linear Digital Modulation
Signal over ith symbol period: Pulse g(t) typically Nyquist, assumed square Signal constellation defined by (si1,si2) pairs M values for (si1,si2)log2 M bits per symbol We focus on MPSK and MQAM MPSK can be differentially encoded Ps depends on Minimum distance dmin (depends on gs) # of nearest neighbors aM Approximate expression: Standard/alternate Q function

4 Linear Modulation in Fading
In fading gs and therefore Ps random Performance metrics: Outage probability: p(Ps>Ptarget)=p(g<gtarget) Average Ps , Ps: Combined outage and average Ps

5 Outage Probability Ps t or d Outage
Ps(target) Outage Ts t or d Probability that Ps is above target Equivalently, probability gs below target Used when Tc>>Ts

6 Average Ps Ps Ps t or d Expected value of random variable Ps
Ts Ps Ps t or d Expected value of random variable Ps Used when Tc~Ts Error probability much higher than in AWGN alone Rarely obtain average error probability in closed form Probability in AWGN is Q-function, double infinite integral

7 Main Points Ps approximation in AWGN:
Alternate Q function useful in fading/diversity analysis In fading Ps is a random variable, characterized by average value, outage, or combined outage/average Fading greatly increases average Ps or required power for a given target Ps with some outage Outage probability based on target SNR in AWGN. Need to combat flat fading or waste lots of power

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