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Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon(PAHs) in Urban Air Jakarta

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1 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon(PAHs) in Urban Air Jakarta
Characteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon(PAHs) in Urban Air Jakarta By MIFTAHUDIN PhD Student of Environmental Science Universitas Indonesia Enviromental Specialist SGS Indonesia 2nd European Organic Chemistry Congress March 02, 2017 Amsterdam Netherlands

2 INDTRODUCTION Infrastructure development of the city and the establishment of industrial centers are mostly accompanied by increased production of vehicles. The combustion process in the engine generates a large amount of organic particles Organic pollutant of greatest concern are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which consists of a ring of aromatic molecules Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous constituents of particulate matter and well-known to be carcinogenic and mutagenic (Moller et al., 1982; IARC, 1984) PAHs exist in the atmosphere in both vapor and particulate-phase (Bidleman et al., 1986) Low molecular weight PAHs tend to be more concentrated in the vapor-phase while the ones with higher molecular weight are often associated with particulates (Beak et al., 1991)

3 INDTRODUCTION No. PAHs Inisial 1. Naphthalene NAP 2. Acenaphthylene
ACL 3. Acenaphthene ACN 4. Fluorene FLR 5. Phenanthrene PHN 6. Anthracene ANT 7. Fluoranthene FLT 8. Pyrene PYR 9. Benzo(a)anthracene BAA 10. Chrysene CHY 11. Benzo(b)flouranthene BBF 12. Benzo(k)flouranthene BKF 13. Benzo(a)pyrene BAP 14. Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ICP 15. Dibenz(a,h)anthracene DBA 16. Benzo(ghi)perylene BGF

4 ASSOCIATED PARTICLE A significant amount of organic particles produced by the engine in the combustion process

5 URBAN AIR JAKARTA Currently, overall air quality in Jakarta still within the threshold ambient air quality standard. Ministry of Environment for Indonesia has been conducting Urban Air Evaluation (EKUP) as the implementation of the program and the blue sky sustainable transport. This EKUP has been implemented since the year 2007 Measurements of air quality on the roadside include the parameters of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), hydrocarbons (CO), oxidants (O3), particulate matter (PM10) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) In spite of the EKUP program, the present roadside PM10 levels in urban Jakarta increasing over the threshold level. Given the situation, carcinogenic PAHs associated with particulate matter are suspected to contribute to an increased health risk for people living in the city.




9 SAMPLER A high volume air sampler was used to collect particulate matter with 10 μm size cutoff (PM10). The sampler was fitted with quartz microfiber filters (QMA, 20.3×25.4 cm). Prior to installation in the sampler, filters were annealed in an oven at 550 °C for 12 h overnight. A batch of 21 samples was taken with the HVS at flow rate of 1.0 m3/min for typically 24 h on sequential days from January to February, 2016

Filter samples were removed from the freezer at the time of sample preparation and allowed to warm to room in polytetrafluoroeth ylene bags. Folded and placed in a 100-mL stainless steel Accelerated Solvent Extractor (ASE) cell. ASE Filled with anhydrous Na2SO4 12.5–150 ng, of isotopically labeled recovery surrogates in 1.25–10 ng/μL solutions, put in the extractor, and extracted using DCM (100 °C, 1500 psi, 2 cycles of 5 min, 150 % flush volume). The extract concentrated to 0.5 mL in evaporator with N2, and the solvent was exchanged to hexane. GCMS

Finite Length Line Source (FLLS) methods used in the study dispersion model Introduce the results of the particle PAHs and emission parameters (as velocity, temperature,...) to study how the particle-PAHS flow emitted from the roadside move in the environment due to the effect of the wind direction in the zone.

12 RESULT Minimum detectable concentrations of PAHs with GC-MS were 0.003–0.010 μg/ml (0.12–0.45 ng/m3) Sampling trial was conducted at two sampling site in Jakarta. The sum of 16 PAHs in particulate at road side ranged from 10–225 ng/m3 whereas at community area the total PAHs in particulate was from 0.5–96 ng/m3 The variations of PAH concentrations depend on the distribution of PAHs between gas and particle phase, which is dependent on temperature, air humidity, property of adsorption surface, adsorption surface available, molecular weight, and vapor pressure of PAHs. Seasonal changes have an impact on the amount particles in the atmosphere The results reveal that particle associated-PAHs in Jakarta air are generated from automobile internal combustion, which may confirm from the ratio of PAHs component

13 RESULTS The sampling area plays an important role in the amount of PM10 and PAH concentrations in ambient air. In the same season, the PM10 and PAH concentrations in the traffic- congested areas were clearly higher than that in the settlement area. The results revealed that particle associated-PAHs in Jakarta air are generated from automobile internal combustion, which may confirm from the ratio of PAHs component. Diagnostic ratio can help to identify possible emission sources. The quantity IND/(IND+BPER) can be used to identify traffic sources. The BaP/BPER ratio was also used for characterization of the PAH sources. The low BaP/BPER ratio (< 0.60) is evidence of greater emission of BPER from traffic sources.

14 RESULTS In general, the volatility of PAHs depends on their molecular mass, while higher molecular weight PAHs were associated with PM10 due to their lower vapor pressure. PAHs containing 3 and 4 rings are semi-volatile and are more likely to be in the gas phase rather than that in the particle phase. Therefore, NAP (MW=128), ACY (MW=152), ACE (MW=154), and FLU (MW=166) would not much found in PM10 samples. During the transport process, the photochemical reaction and the shift of PAHs from particle phase to gas phase or blending of lower PAH composition PM10 would reduce the particle-bound PAH composition.

15 CONCLUSIONS Higher PAHs concentration were mainly caused by local émission source. The lower PAHs concentration were observed were likely due to easier dispersion of air pollutants, wash out effect, and to lesser content and photo degradation. The sampling area plays an important role in the amount of PM10 and PAH concentrations in ambient air. In the same season, the PM10 and PAH concentrations in the traffic-congested areas were clearly higher than the community areas. Currently this research still continue to get model of particle associated PAHs by FLLS. Resulted model may contribute to mitigate air pollution in Jakarta.

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