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Hyatt Elementary 2016-2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Hyatt Elementary 2016-2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hyatt Elementary

2 Hyatt Elementary 2016-2017 Half Day Young Fives K-3rd Grade
392 Students 51 Staff Members Consortium Programs Strong Community Hyatt Heroes

3 What’s Working? District & Building Grade Level Teams
Parents Active in Linden Schools (PALS) Intervention Programs Reading Mathematics Social Emotional

4 Areas of Focus Strengthen Student Results
Ensure a Guaranteed Viable Curriculum- Focus on Literacy Develop Partnerships with Staff, Students and the Community Develop a “Shared Vision”

5 Hyatt Elementary Student M-Step Results
Percent of 3rd Grade Students Proficient M-STEP 2015 M-STEP 2016 Math 48% Math 51% (Increase) ELA 49% ELA 37% (Decrease) County Avg County Avg Math 42% Math 38% ELA 46% ELA 40%

6 Hyatt Elementary Student STAR Results
3rd Grade STAR Testing STAR Math Fall 2016 Screening - 79% STAR ELA Fall 2016 Screening - 56% GOAL= 80% Proficient

7 Hyatt Elementary Student Discipline Results
Discipline Incidents Fall 2015 Discipline Incidents Fall 2016 Male Female K 0 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th TOTAL = 18 Male Female Y5’s K 1st 2nd 3rd TOTAL = 14

8 Guaranteed Viable Curriculum
Standards Based Learning Targets Success Criteria Formative Assessments Increase Student Talk Lesson Planning Teams Collaboration Curricular Enrichment Field Trips Assemblies After School Programs

9 Curricular Enrichment Opportunities

10 Hyatt’s Focus on Literacy
Michigan’s Third Grade Reading Initiative Essential Instructional Practices in Early Literacy Book Studies Professional Development Grade Level Teams Leveled Library

11 Develop Partnerships with Staff, Students and the Community
Be Present, Dependable & Committed Positive, Informative Communications Voice Messages, , Website, Team with PALS Reach out to our Community Hope Lutheran Church Linden High School Edward Jones Women’s Groups Delivering Hope

12 Develop a “Shared Vision”
Staff Meetings-Developing our Mission, Norms & Beliefs Parent Meetings Community Focus Groups & Stakeholder’s Surveys Professional Development Late Start Staff Meetings Lesson Demonstrations Embrace Our Community

13 Hyatt Elementary Any Questions?

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