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Story: Questions, questions, questions

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1 Story: Questions, questions, questions
Easy read

2 Asking questions can help us find out information, improve things and bring about change. This story introduces the idea of asking questions to find out information. Talk about how MPs and members of the House of Lords ask questions every day in Parliament. It’s an important part of their job!

3 For homework, talk to someone in your family about their childhood.
Miss Bettany told the class about their new history topic. The children were going to find out what it was like to grow up in the past. For homework, talk to someone in your family about their childhood. Ask them lots of questions!

4 Evie was excited and started to think of questions to ask her granny.
What? How? Why?

5 She wrote some questions in her notebook.
What was your favourite TV programme? What was your favourite subject at school? Did you have a favourite toy?

6 Evie visited her granny at the weekend
Evie visited her granny at the weekend. She told her she was learning about growing up in the past and had lots of questions to ask her.

7 What was your favourite TV programme?

8 I didn’t have a TV!

9 I do remember watching my neighbours television
I do remember watching my neighbours television. We saw the first man land on the moon!

10 I decided right then that I wanted to be a scientist.
It was amazing! I decided right then that I wanted to be a scientist.

11 Evie smiled. Her granny had just answered her next question!
I was going to ask what your favourite subject was at school, but I already know it was science!

12 Only 28 more questions granny!
Evie enjoyed finding out what life was like for her granny when she was growing up. She had lots more questions to ask! Only 28 more questions granny!

13 Evie asked her granny lots of questions to find out information.
What question would you ask your MP?

14 Everyday in Parliament people ask questions too
Everyday in Parliament people ask questions too. It’s an important part of the job for MPs and Lords.

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