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What to know about the graduation project FOR

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Presentation on theme: "What to know about the graduation project FOR"— Presentation transcript:

1 What to know about the graduation project FOR 2017-2018

2 Last year you were told…You should have a SERVICE-LEARNING GRADUATION PROJECT
What does this mean? Service- n. the action of helping or doing work for someone. Learning- n. knowledge acquired through experience, study or being taught. BUT Now- Your product can be physical, performance or career related. You have 3 major components that make up your final grade -Product -Portfolio -Presentation You will have at least 2 judges It takes place during the school day (normally during your English class). The presentation date is November 2nd-4th.



5 THEsis Statement/Paper
Should be clear and interesting. Should be arguable and have the ability to directly link to an appropriate product. We will have copies of your paper, but hopefully you have a copy saved. You are encouraged to NOT change your topic. Are you new? You are required to complete an annotated bibliography. It is due Monday, September 11, 2017.

6 You will complete an online portfolio through the livebinder website.
You are expected to work on this during the time allotted in class and on your own. Each tab in your Livebinder will have requirements for you to complete. Portfolio

7 Product 15 hours Why should I shoot for 18?
A visual is required (Powerpoint, scrapbook,video,tri- fold etc.) THIS IS NOT YOUR PRODUCT! What counts toward your 18 hours? Direct work with your product (volunteering, building, creating lesson plans etc.) What does not count toward your 18 hours? Driving to the location you chose to volunteer, working on your Livebinder, creating a visual for your presentation to the judges. Product

8 Please review your notes.
Your job is to create a poster that acts as the Graduation Project in a nutshell. You will be given a topic. You create a thesis, product, steps, etc. You should incorporate everything from your notes. Make it creative, memorable/catchy and aesthetically pleasing.

9 Your group should work to create a visual that includes the following:
Your given issue (listed below) A possible thesis statement that clearly states your opinion on the issue. At least TWO possible Service Learning Opportunities 4. At least TWO possible products. 1. Environment 2. Healthcare 3. Poverty 4. Nutrition 5. Education 6. Animals 7. Technology

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