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Layered Protocol Wrappers Design and Interface review

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1 Layered Protocol Wrappers Design and Interface review
James Moscola Washington University August 26, 2002 Abstract By incorporating Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) at the edge of a network switch, it is possible to implement hardware-based modules that have both the flexiblity to be reconfigured and the performance to process packets at the full rate of the Internet backbone. The Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) has been built to augment an existing Gigabit switch systems with reprogrammable hardware modules. The FPX system includes a high-speed network interface, multiple banks of memory, and FPGA logic. The FPX allows hardware modules to be dynamically installed into the router by using partial reprogramming of an FPGA. Applications have been developed for the FPX that include IP packet routing, queuing, and data compression.

2 Layout of Protocol Wrappers with MAC circuit
Frames MAC Frames MAC Egress MAC Ingress ATM Cells ATM Cells Cell Wrapper + Frame Wrapper

3 The Cell Processor Cell Functions Flow Functions
Drops cells with bad cell headers Recomputes cell header for outgoing cells (MAC Ingress side) Flow Functions Bypasses cells for different flows Implements Control-Plane Interface Handles control cells Write control / read status

4 The Cell Processor Data Flow inside the Cell Processor MAC Frames
MAC Egress MAC Ingress VCI = 32 – 35h Frame Processor and MAC circuit ATM Cells HEC Dispatch Check VCI = 23h All other VCIs HEC ATM Cells Set Control Cells The output FIFOs are serviced in the following order: Controls Cells Bypassed Cells Application Cells

5 The Frame Processor Segmentation and Reassembly Frame Functions
Reassembles cells into frames (MAC egress) Segments frames into cells (MAC ingress) Frame Functions Detects frame boundaries Checks & Generates AAL5 CRC

6 The Frame Processor Data Flow inside the Frame Processor MAC Egress
MAC Ingress MAC Frames ATM Cells ATM Cells MAC circuit Cell Frame AAL5CRC Segment AAL5CRC Detection ation

7 The Frame Processor Module Details

8 The Frame Processor Frame Detection Module (MAC Egress)
Single Cell Frame Buffers cell while waiting for length Once length is received outputs appropriate number of words to the MAC Egress circuit Multiple Cell Frame (cells A and B) If not the last cell (PTI=‘0’), outputs all but last two words in cell A to MAC Egress circuit (the last two words my be padding) if cell B PTI=‘0’, the last two words of cell A are output along with all but the last two words of the cell B if cell B PTI=‘1’, cell B is buffered until the length is reached. Once the length is reached, it can be determined whether or not the last two words of cell A should be output to the MAC Egress circuit and how many words of cell B should be output to the MAC Egress circuit

9 The Frame Processor Cell Segmentation Module (MAC Ingress) Two FIFOs
data_fifo written to whenever SOF_APPL_IN or DataEn_APPL_IN is asserted by MAC Ingress circuit length_fifo written to when… a cells worth of data has been put into the data_fifo EOF_APPL_IN has been asserted Cells are output as long as the length_fifo has data dequeue length_fifo and output that many words from the data_fifo should always be 48 bytes, except for the last cell, when it should be <= 48 bytes

10 The Frame Processor Interface Details

11 The Frame Processor Frame Interface (MAC Egress) SOF_OUT_APPL
high for 1 clock cycle during first ATM header word signals start of new AAL5 frame NOTE: HEC is NOT sent after this signal DataEn_OUT_APPL high during valid payload data (not during sof) high during EOF_OUT_APPL and 2 AAL5 trailer words D_OUT_APPL 32-bit data bus EOF_OUT_APPL high during 1 clock cycle of last payload word in AAL5 frame followed by two trailer words of AAL5 frame if no EOF_OUT_APPL is asserted for a frame (consecutive SOF_OUT_APPLs without an EOF_OUT_APPL), the frame is corrupt and should be discarded/handled by the application TCA_OUT_APPL this signal is passed through, it does not affect the behavior of the wrapper

12 The Frame Processor Frame Interface (MAC Egress) cont …
A frame with an invalid AAL5 CRC … will be passed from the Frame Processor to the MAC Egress circuit will have an EOF_OUT_APPL will have a non-zero value in the AAL5 CRC field Cells dropped from Multi-cell Frames if a cell is dropped prior to entering the Frame wrapper, the frame will have an invalid AAL5 CRC and should be dropped. If the dropped cell is the last cell in the frame, both the current frame and the next frame will be combined with an invalid AAL5 CRC and should be dropped.

13 The Frame Processor Frame Interface (MAC Ingress) SOF_APPL_IN
must assert high for 1 clock cycle while outputting first ATM header word NOTE: DO NOT send a HEC, as the HEC word is inserted by the Frame Wrapper DataEn_APPL_IN assert high during valid payload data (not during sof) assert high during EOF_OUT_APPL and 2 AAL5 trailer words D_APPL_IN 32-bit data bus EOF_APPL_IN assert high during 1 clock cycle of last payload word in AAL5 frame this interface assumes a user application is following the interface protocol. If no EOF_APPL_IN is sent for a frame, it is possible for the 2 FIFOs to get out of synch and enter an unknown state TCA_APPL_IN this signal is passed through the wrapper to the user application. An application should stop sending data when TCA_APPL_IN is deasserted

14 The Frame Processor Frame Interface (MAC Ingress) cont …
bytes(1 downto 0) of the AAL5 Length field must be set to the number of valid bytes in the last payload word. Other bytes of the AAL5 Length can be ignored, as they will be calculated by the frame wrapper If an application wants a frame to be dropped, any non-zero value can be inserted into the AAL5 CRC field. The frame will still be transmitted, but will get dropped at the next hop.

15 The Frame Processor

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