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I will be able to define the following terms:

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1 I will be able to define the following terms:
MT: Immune System I will be able to define the following terms: Antibodies Vaccine Bacteria Virus Benign Pathogen Molecular barrier Physical barrier

2 Pathogen Def: any agent that causes disease “path” = disease
Word in use: 1. pathology is the study of disease 2. a pathologist is someone who studies disease

3 Antibody pathogen Protein found in blood that detect and destroy foreign invaders (pathogens) Antibody Red blood cell

4 Vaccine Weakened form of a pathogen so body creates antibodies against it

5 Bacteria Prokaryote no nucleus
Genetic material floats around cytoplasm no organelles Simple one cell

6 Virus Small particle that has DNA or RNA and uses other organisms to grow and reproduce Not all are harmful

7 Benign Not dangerous; Harmless Neutral
Word in Use: A benign skin tumor is not cancerous – it does not hurt a person.

8 Molecular Barrier To block or protect using chemicals or molecules
Ex: antibodies, hand sanitizer, soap, household cleaners

9 Physical barrier To block or protect using a touchable object
Ex: fence, skin, wall, jacket, condom

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