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The Politics of Boom and Bust,

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1 The Politics of Boom and Bust, 1920-1932

2 Bell Ringer What do we already know about the 1920s and how is this likely to have an effect on the second half of the decade?

3 Objectives Explain the central features of Republic economic and political conservatism in the 1920s. Contrast Warren Harding with Coolidge and Hoover. Describe the cause for the stock market crash leading into the Great Depression.

4 Harding in Office Bringing in “old fashioned” politics
Aftermath of the war leads to big business, demobilization Merchant Marine Act Adjusted Compensation Act Disarmament brings problems for the US Tariffs, scandal mars Harding’s legacy

5 “Silent Cal” Flounderings
Farmers face an uphill battle post-WWI Isolationism continues for the United States Dawes Plan brings inflation, enemies

6 Hoover Takes Charge Promotes rugged individualism Federal Farm Board
Hawley-Smoot Tariff Bull market v. bear market brings about depression America grows bitter, forms Hoovervilles

7 Battling the Great Depression
Part of a “business cycle” Federal gov’t funds TVA, Hoover Dam Norris-LaGuardia Anti-Injection Act Bonus Army seeks pensions early Japan shuts the “open door”, starts early conflict

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