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The Band! Health meter temperature, RH, wind speed and direction; ultrasonic anemometer, & bubbles. Air motions. Ramona. FTIR - Lance + ? Spectral sun.

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Presentation on theme: "The Band! Health meter temperature, RH, wind speed and direction; ultrasonic anemometer, & bubbles. Air motions. Ramona. FTIR - Lance + ? Spectral sun."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Band! Health meter temperature, RH, wind speed and direction; ultrasonic anemometer, & bubbles. Air motions. Ramona. FTIR - Lance + ? Spectral sun photometer, cloud radiance to detect Cirrus vs Cumulus? Does it work as a sunphotometer? Kevin and Cory. 6 channel sun photometer especially for aerosol and water vapor, using 940 nm channel. Compare with radiosonde data, every day measurements at 4 pm to coincide with balloon launch. Maybe also solder up a sun photometer, from 1 to 4 wavelengths, and test it. In situ particle optics measurements / air pollution using the dusttrak,CO2, GPS, and PAS 2 wavelength unit. Pat and Ian.

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