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Welcome. As Pastors, we want to provide for the Catholic school education of our children. In light of this desire, we are therefore committed to provide.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome. As Pastors, we want to provide for the Catholic school education of our children. In light of this desire, we are therefore committed to provide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 As Pastors, we want to provide for the Catholic school education of our children. In light of this desire, we are therefore committed to provide a Catholic school which is: Excellent Accessible Affordable Sustainable

3 Topics to be Reviewed Regional School Sources of Support Regional School Financial Report Tuition Policy Parish Participation: Mass and Support Tuition Rates Registration Fees Tuition Assistance Programs Tuition Credits Fund Raising Expectations

4 Financial Overview

5 Sources of Support 2010-2011 Tuition 66% School Income and Fees 5% Donations 2% Fundraisers 5% 78% Parishes Contributions 22% Total 100%

6 Projected Income Statement Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2011 Income Tuition Income$1,483,500 School Income and Fees 98,500 Donations 50,000 Fundraisers 115,000 Parishes Contributions 500,000 Total School Income $2,247,000 Expenses Salaries and Benefits $1,638,300 Administration 131,000 Utilities, Maintenance, Insurance 162,900 Capital Improvements 300,000 Total School Expenses $2,232,200 Surplus $ 14,800

7 Capital Expenditures 2010-2011 So far this year, the Regional School has spent approximately $300,000 for the following educational needs, renovations and other capital improvements: Administrative Offices Computers Ceiling Fans and Lighting Cleaning Fencing

8 Capital Expenditures 2010-2011 Floor Carpeting and Tiles Front Entrance Landscaping Painting Telephone System Ramp Repairs Roof Repairs Window Repairs

9 Tuition Income vs. Expenses Year Ending June 30, 2011 Tuition Income $1,483,500 Expenses $2,202,200 Ratio 67%

10 Budget Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2012 Income Tuition Income $1,470,000 School Income and Fees 72,000 Fundraisers 112,000 Parishes Contributions 500,000 Total School Income $2,154,000 Expenses Salaries and Benefits $1,729,000 Administration 164,000 Utilities, Maintenance, Insurance 141,000 Capital Improvements/Depreciation 120,000 Total Expenses $2,154,000 Income/Loss $ 0

11 Budget Tuition Income vs. Expenses Year Ending June 30, 2012 Tuition Income $1,470,000 Expenses $2,154,000 Tuition Income covers only 68% of the cost of operating the Regional School.

12 Funding for the Regional School Year ending June 30, 2012 Total Operating Expenses$2,154,000 Tuition Income68% $1,470,000 Other Income 9% 184,000 Parishes23% 500,000 Total 100% $2,154,000

13 Tuition Income vs. Operating Expenses Year Ended June 30 Projected Budget 2010/2011 2011/2012 Tuition Income $1,483,500 $1,470,000 Expenses $2,202,200 $2,154,000 Ratio 67% 68%

14 Cost of Education vs. Tuition 2010-2011 Cost of Parents FamilyEducation Paying 1 Child $ 4,100 $ 2,800 2 Children $ 8,200 $ 4,900 3 Children $12,300 $ 7,000

15 Tuition Collection The timely collection of the Regional School tuition is imperative for two reasons: To meet the operating expenses To avoid time-consuming collection efforts

16 Tuition Policy In order to enter school in September, all prior years tuition must be paid in full. Annual tuition is payable in 10 equal payments, beginning July 1 st and ending April 1 st. Tuition payments are to be made on the first day of the month, regardless of who is responsible for the tuition or any portion of the tuition.

17 Tuition Policy In order for a student to enter school in September, the first three monthly installments must be paid. In order for a student to return to school in January, the tuition account must be current. In order for a student to return to school on May 1 st, the tuition must be paid in full.

18 Tuition Policy Consideration may be afforded by a pastor to families with unforeseen financial hardship. In order to participate in an eighth grade class trip, tuition must be paid in full. It is mandatory that the School parents actively support the Schools fundraising activities and thereby fulfill their familys annual $300 fundraising responsibility by May 1st.

19 Regional School Families Financial Support for their Parish Similar to all parishioners, Regional School families are expected to be present and participating at their parishs weekend liturgy, and they are expected to be financially supporting the mission of the Church. Each Parish Community has their own particular policy regarding participation.

20 Parishes Contributions for their School Families Each of the four sponsoring Parish Communities have committed themselves to providing $125,000 per year toward the Catholic school education of their parish children. With this substantial financial commitment comes the expectation that all parish children and their parents are actively worshiping within their own parish community and financially supporting their parish community.

21 Regional School Families Participation There is a spiritual responsibility to bring the children to Mass each and every week. There is a responsibility of all Regional School parents to financially support the mission of the Church.

22 Tuition Rate Schedules For parishioners of the four sponsoring parishes, there are two Tuition Rate Schedules: Participating families Non-participating families.

23 Tuition Rate Schedules For the current school year, as a sign of goodwill, the four pastors granted all families a grace period regarding their tuition rates, that is, all families were considered as participating and were afforded the Participating Family Tuition Rate Schedule.

24 Tuition Rate Schedules Sadly and regrettably, many families chose not to participate at Mass within their local Parish Community and not to adequately support their Parish financially. For 2011-2012, these families will be charged a higher tuition rate.

25 Participating Families Discounted Tuition Rate Schedule In order to qualify for the Participating Family Rates, that is, the discounted Tuition Rate Schedule, a family must meet their own Parish Communitys requirements. Parishioners not meeting their Parishs requirements, will be designated as a non- participating family, and will be charged a higher tuition rate.

26 Non-Participating Families Tuition Rate Schedule A non-participating family will not be afforded the Discounted Tuition Rate Schedule, and therefore will be charged an additional $700 per family. In future years, this additional charge will be increasing substantially.

27 Cost Per Student Number Per Total of Student Cost Students Cost 2010-2011 $2,202,200 535 $ 4,100 2011-2012 $2,154,000 510 $ 4,223

28 Tuition Rates 2011-2012 Rate* Increase One Child$3,000 $200 Two Children$5,200 $300 Three Children $7,400 $400 * Non-Contributing Families: Add $700

29 Tuition Rates 2011-2012 Non-Catholic Students: Rate Increase Grade K-8 Per Student $4,100$200

30 Tuition Rates 2011-2012 A $200 increase would be equivalent to $20 per month or $5 per week. A $300 increase would be equivalent to $30 per month or $7.50 per week. A $400 increase would be equivalent to $40 per month or $10 per week.

31 Tuition Rates 2011-2012 4 Year Old Program Full Day One Child with sibling in K to 8$4,100 One Child with no sibling in K to 8$4,800 Half Day One Child with sibling in K to 8$2,600 One Child with no sibling in K to 8$3,100

32 Tuition Rates 2011-2012 3 Year Old Program Half Day – Three Days$2,000 Full Day – Three Days$3,100 Half Day – Four Days $2,700 Full Day – Four Days$4,100 Half Day – Five Days$3,100 Full day – Five Days$4,800

33 Cost of Education vs. Tuition 2011-2012 Cost of Parents FamilyEducation Pay 1 Child $ 4,200 $ 3,000 2 Children $ 8,400 $ 5,200 3 Children $12,600 $ 7,400

34 Registration Fees Pre-Kindergarten to 8 Paid by March 31, 2011$100 Paid by April 30, 2011$125 Paid after April 30, 2011$150

35 Tuition Assistance BLOCS/Bridge/Bravo There are sources of financial assistance, such as BLOCS, Bridge Education Foundation and Bravo. Please consult Mrs. Colleen Blair in our school office for more information.

36 Tuition Credits Tuition can be reduced by participating in the following parish-sponsored Programs: Scrip Program St. Joseph the Worker Parish Immaculate Conception Parish Pot of Gold Program St. Frances Cabrini Parish For more information, please contact the individual parish.

37 Fund Raising Each family is required to participate in the fund raising activities so as to generate a net amount of $300 to supplement their familys tuition by May 1st. Some fund raising activities will provide a 50% credit and other activities will provide a 100% credit.

38 Regional Schools Expectations 1. Weekly Participation at Mass by all Regional School parents and children.

39 Regional Schools Expectations 2. Weekly contributions in accordance with ones own Parish Community.

40 Regional Schools Expectations 3. Timely payment of tuition due.

41 Conclusion Believing that our Regional School is a most wonderful and precious gift to our respective Parish Communities, it is most important that everyone be aware of the need to be supportive of all the efforts being made to provide this Catholic School education for the children.

42 Conclusion Having successfully established our Holy Family Regional Catholic School in which our children are experiencing a safe and wonderful environment for learning, are excelling in their educational endeavors, and growing in their knowledge and love of God, and their commitment to their family and their community, we are moving forward with faith, determination and commitment to excellence!

43 Holy Family Regional Catholic School Thank you for your presence tonight and for your commitment to your own Parish Community and to your childrens Catholic School education here at Holy Family Regional Catholic School.

44 Holy Family Regional Catholic School Questions and/or Comments

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