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<month year> doc.: IEEE a July 2006

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1 <month year> doc.: IEEE a July 2006 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Summary and Recommendations to TG3c Channel Model Subgroup] Date Submitted: [16 May, 2006] Source: [Su-Khiong Yong] Company [Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT)] Address [RF Technology Group, Comm. & Networking Lab., P. O. Box 111, Suwon , Korea] Voice:[ ], FAX: [ ], Re : [IEEE c Channel modeling] Abstract: [Recommendations for the 3c Channel Model Subgroup] Purpose:[This document discusses the propagation issues and parameters for IEEE c] Notice :This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT <author>, <company>

2 Summary and Recommendations to TG3c Channel Modeling Subgroup
<month year> doc.: IEEE a July 2006 Summary and Recommendations to TG3c Channel Modeling Subgroup Su-Khiong Yong Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), Korea Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT <author>, <company>

3 Outline Objectives Status of the Channel Model
<month year> doc.: IEEE a July 2006 Outline Objectives Status of the Channel Model Summary and Proposed Set of the Channel Models Future Plan Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT <author>, <company>

4 July 2006 Status of the Work IBM data analysis remains unresolved – unable to distinguish LOS and NLOS data UMASS data measurements and analysis are still on going IMST data analysis completed NICT data analysis – amplitude statistics yet to be completed, AOA intra cluster statistics are yet to revised FT completed the channel parameters Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

5 UMASS – Office (LOS & NLOS) and Conference Room (LOS & NLOS)
July 2006 UMASS – Office (LOS & NLOS) and Conference Room (LOS & NLOS) Measurements are still on going Proposed AWGN channel but rays with significant delay can be observed. AOA statistics are yet to determined. Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

6 IMST Results – Library LOS
July 2006 IMST Results – Library LOS Inter-cluster Power Delay Profile parameters Exponential PDP: K factor KLOS = 8 [dB], cluster decay Γ = 12 [ns] Flat-Exponential PDP: K factor KLOS = 8 [dB], cluster decay Γ = 12 [ns], Δ = 11 [dB], τ = 30 [ns] Inter-cluster DoA – Uniform distribution Intra-cluster DoA – Gaussian (Angles Spread (AS) σAS = 10 [0]) Inter-cluster ToA / Intra-cluster ToA – Poisson (Λ = 0.25 [ns-1] / λ = 4 [ns-1]) Cluster / Ray amplitude – Log-normal (σ1 = 5 [dB] / σ2 = 6 [dB]) Intra-cluster K factor KMP = -13 [dB] Intra-cluster ray decay γ = 7 [ns] Shadowing effect can be modeled by dropping the LOS component and keeping the other parameter unchanged for LOS scenario. Final Refinement Check the AOA distribution with truncated Gaussian What is the average number of clusters? Inter cluster DOA uniform over [0,2pi]? Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

7 NICT Results –Desktop LOS
July 2006 NICT Results –Desktop LOS S-V model parameter W0(D) G [ns] 1/L - Cluster arrival is Poisson. dist. . g 1/l - Ray arrival is Poisson dist. s1 [dB] -Cluster Power is lognormal dist. s2 [dB] Ray Power is lognormal dist. sf [deg] -Intra cluster AOA is Laplacian dist # of cluster - Uniform dist. Tx:30 Rx:30 4.44 D-105 21.1 27.0 8.85 1.56 3.01 7.69 34.6 3 Tx:60 Rx:60 3.46 D-98 22.3 17.2 2.68 7.27 4.42 38.1 Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

8 NICTA Results – Office NLOS
July 2006 NICTA Results – Office NLOS Parameter Value unit Distribution Cluster arrival rate 0.07 1/ns Poisson ray arrival rate 1.88 Cluster decay factor 19.44 ns Exponential Ray decay factor 0.42 Cluster gain standard deviation 1.82 Lognormal Ray gain standard deviation AoA standard deviation 9.10 Degrees Laplacian RMS delay spread 24.82 Average number of clusters 6 Uniform Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

9 NICTA Results – Desktop LOS
July 2006 NICTA Results – Desktop LOS Parameter Value unit Distribution Cluster arrival rate 1.72 1/ns Poisson ray arrival rate 3.14 Cluster decay factor 4.01 ns Exponential Ray decay factor 0.58 Cluster gain standard deviation 2.70 Lognormal Ray gain standard deviation 1.90 AoA standard deviation 14.38 degrees Normal RMS delay spread 2.27 Average number of clusters 14 Uniform Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

10 NICTA Results – Residential LOS
July 2006 NICTA Results – Residential LOS Parameter Value unit Distribution Cluster arrival rate 0.21 1/ns Poisson ray arrival rate 0.77 Cluster decay factor 4.19 ns Exponential Ray decay factor 1.07 Cluster gain standard deviation 1.54 Lognormal Ray gain standard deviation 1.26 AoA standard deviation 8.32 degrees Laplacian RMS delay spread 2.27 Average number of clusters 4 Uniform Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

11 July 2006 Open Issues Amplitude statistics is claimed to be log-normal without presenting the result? Issue on the average number of clusters has no yet resolved. The proposed values does not seem to match with the previous results. Uncertainties about the AOA statistics in Desktop environment. The Gaussian distribution does not model well the AOA. Maybe Truncated Gaussian / Truncated Laplacian can do the job. Some of the analysis such as ray and cluster arrivals are very crude. Need to revisit the fittings of these results? Several set of parameters for different antenna configurations are missing for the NICT measurements. Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

12 France Telecom Results 06/218
July 2006 France Telecom Results 06/218 Large scale fading Parameter Scenarios Residential Office Omni or wide beam antenna Narrow beam antenna LOS NLOS n 1.53 2.44 1.73 0.56 PL(d0) (dB) 44.5 37.2 36.9 70.6 σS (dB) 1.5 6.2 1.6 1.2 Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

13 France Telecom Results 06/218
July 2006 France Telecom Results 06/218 Small Scale Fading Scenario Link Power decay parameters # of clusters γ (ns) Г ΔT Residential 1 (wide beam antenna) LOS 2 6.7 38.9 47.9 NLOS 17.0 61.7 38.1 Residential 2 (narrow beam antenna) 1 1.8 NA 8.6 36.8 31.3 Office 1 17.3 41.7 52.7 21.5 47.7 39.1 Office 2 15.9 68.8 59.6 48.9 No distribution for amplitude statistics are provided. Also no cluster and ray arrival rates Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

14 France Telecom AOA for office environment only July 2006 Parameter
Values Angular spread in the azimuth plane sφ 7° - 24° Angular spread in the elevation plane sθ 6° - 13° No AOA and EOA distributions are provided 2 types of antennas were used during the experiment. - horns presenting a gain of 7.3 dBi and -3 dB beamwidth of 100° in both azimuth and elevation. dipoles presenting a gain of 5.5 dBi and an omnidirectional radiation pattern in azimuth with a -3 dB beamwidth of 30° in elevation, centered around the elevation of 45°. Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

15 Environment Scenario Source Office LOS FT, NICTA, UMASS NLOS Desktop
NICT, NICTA Residential FT, NICTA FT Conference Room FT, UMASS Corridor NICTA Library IMST NA July 2006 Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

16 Proposed Set of Channel Models
July 2006 Proposed Set of Channel Models Residential – LOS (CM1) and NLOS (CM2) Office – LOS (CM3) and NLOS (CM4) Library – LOS (CM5) and NLOS (CM6) Conference Room – LOS (CM7), NLOS (CM8) Desktop – LOS (CM9) Additional sets of above models with different antenna gains? Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

17 July 2006 Discussions No path loss model available from the measurements. Adopt results from literature? Should the group move with 4 channel models that represent four environments for evaluation purposes? Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT

18 <month year> doc.: IEEE a July 2006 Future Plan NICTA needs to update on the issues raised during this meeting. will be send to reflector. Issue about large scale fading Final report drafting Matlab code generation by the contributors and Rick Roberts will coordinate that. Su-Khiong Yong, Samsung-SAIT <author>, <company>

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