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GLAST Large Area Telescope:

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1 GLAST Large Area Telescope:
Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope GLAST Large Area Telescope: Mechanical Systems Peer Review March 27, 2003 Section Summary Marc Campell SLAC Mechanical Systems Mgr.

2 Summary Conclusions: Mechanical Systems detailed design and analysis indicates that all requirements will be met. Mechanical Systems has accommodated changes since dPDR. Overall design is in good shape Grid Box Assembly design is nearly complete. Radiator and Heat Pipe designs are nearly complete. Cal-Grid interface is still in review and has consumed 100’s of man-hours to date. This needs to be resolved immediately. Risk list items are understood & mitigation plans are in place. Radiator design has matured and fabrication will begin after I-CDR. Aluminum billets for Grid are on order. LM’s X-LAT team has come up to speed quickly and made several design improvements. LM has team in place to execute to their plan. Closure plan for the open issues will be in place by I-CDR.

3 Summary (cont) Plans for Further Work Engineering Modeling
Complete the remaining testing Analysis Complete detailed part stress analysis Define Grid Box Assembly SLT cases Design Release Radiator and X-LAT specifications & Interface Def. Dwg. Finalize CAL-Grid interface & incorporate into design Finalize wing, EMI skirt & Radiator mount Bracket designs Finalize X-LAT to Electronics design Lockheed Martin Complete detailed design and analysis Finalize test plans Program Management Negotiate & award LM Phase II (fabrication) contract Award Grid Assembly contract

4 End of Section 8.1

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