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Created by OSCAR team October 2011

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1 Created by OSCAR team October 2011
ID template 4.7.1 Created by OSCAR team October 2011

2 Welcome 1 This is a document to explains the chosen concept to the animator. This will take you through a 5 section process to provide the necessary details to the animator before starting the animation. The legend on the left will indicate the current status of the document. The big Black coloured number will denote the current section, the Grey color would denote the completed sections, and the Turquoise color would denote the remaining sections. The slides having yellow background (like this one) are the 'Instruction slides' 2 3 4 5

3 Progressive development of crenulation cleavage
Asbestos on the ceiling is like crenulation cleavage structure. Related LOs: Prior Viewing: Crenulation Cleavage Future Viewing: Course Name: Rock Microstructure Level(UG/PG): UG Author(s) :Arpita Roy Mentor(s):Prof. Soumyajit Mukherjee Title of the concept *The contents in this file are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 India license

4 Learning objectives 1 After interacting with this Learning Object, the learner will be able to: Draw the Figure of crenulation cleavage Describe the progressive development of crenulation cleavage 2 3 4 5

5 1 Master layout or diagram 2 3 4 5
Make a schematic diagram of the concept Explain the animator about the beginning and ending of the process. Draw image big enough for explaining. In the image, identify and label different components of the process/phenomenon. (These are like characters in a film)‏ Illustrate the basic flow of action by using arrows. Use BOLD lines in the diagram (minimum 2pts.)‏ In the slide after that, provide the definitions of ALL the labels used in the diagram You may have multiple master layouts. In this case, number the master layout. (e.g. Master layout 1, 2, 3…)‏ 2 3 4 5

6 Master Layout-1 1 2 3 Compressional force Compressional force Porphyroblast grain Porphyroblast grain Dashed green colored horizontal lines Initial position of the foliation Curved green colored lines 4 Initiation of crenulations Result (shown by Fig. 2) after applying compressional force in Fig. 1 The blue colored arrows indicate the compressional force. The green colored dashed lines (Fig. 1) become curved (Fig. 2) after applying compressional force (marked by blue arrows). 5

7 Master Layout-2 1 2 3 Elliptical Porphyroblast grain 4 Elliptical Porphyroblast grain 4 Intermediate stage Growth of mica In Fig. 3, it has again folded due to compressional force, and more folded (Fig. 4) due to pronounced compressional force. 5

8 Master Layout-3 1 2 3 6 5 . 4 4 Porphyroblast grain Elliptical grains of porphyroblast Destruction of the earlier foliation New foliation with new orientation In Fig. 5, after applying compressional force, the earlier foliation diminishes and new foliations result. In Fig. 6, the new foliations consist of elliptical grains of porphyroblasts. 5

9 Definitions and Keywords
1 1) Foliation: Foliation is a term used to describe any planar feature in rocks. Two types of foliations are there: a) Primary foliation: Related to the original rock forming processes b) Secondary foliation: Secondary foliations are the results of deformations, metamorphisms etc. 2) Porphyroblast: Large metamorphic minerals that grow larger than the surrounding minerals. 3) Phyllosilicate minerals: Phyllosilicates are important group of minerals that include micas, chlorite and clay minerals. 2 3 4 5

10 2 Explain the process (optional) 1 3 4 5
In this step, use an example to explain the concept. It can be an analogy, a scenario, or an action which explains this concept/process/topic Try to use examples from day-to-day life to make it more clear You have to describe what steps the animator should take to make your concept come alive as a series of moving images. Keep the examples simple to understand, and also to illustrate/animate. 2 3 4 5

11 Action 1 Crenulation cleavage is a series of micro folds. It formed mainly due to the folding of the preexisting foliation. 2 3 4 5

12 3 Stepwise description of process 1 2 4 5
The goal of the document is to provide instructions to an animator who is not a expert. You have to describe what steps the animator should take to make your concept come alive as a moving visualization. Use one slide per step. This will ensure clarity of the explanation. Add a image of the step in the box, and the details in the table below the box. You can use any images for reference, but mention about it's copyright status The animator will have to re-draw / re-create the drawings Add more slides as per the requirement of the animation 2 3 4 5

13 Step No: 1 (Initial stage of crenulation cleavage)
2 Compressional force Compressional force 3 Result after applying compressional force in Fig.1, the layer parallel foliation is bit folded. Initial position of the foliation Compressional force Description of the interactivity Audio narration Text to be displayed 1) Show the original position of the foliation in Fig. 1 and initiation of the foliation in Fig. 2 2) Time duration will be 1 sec for each Fig. Due to compressional force, Fig. 1 would be transformed into Fig. 2 Crenulations start developing. Foliations become slightly curved. 4 5

14 Step No: 2 ( Intermediate stage of crenulation cleavage formation)
1 2 Compressional force 4 Compressional force 3 3rd step of crenualtion cleavage formation Growth of mica P domain Q domain Description of the action Audio narration Text to be displayed 1) Show the formation of crenulation cleavage in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, respectively. Due to pronounced compressional force, the curved lines become closely spaced and grains (red colored fillings) get flattened. 2) Time duration will be 1.5 sec. Due to pronounced compressional force, the curved lines become closely spaced and grains (red colored fillings) get flattened. Due to presence of liquid phase, the soluble material dissolved and new mineral (mainly mica) starts growing. 4 5

15 Step No: 3 (Final stage of crenulation cleavage formation)
1 2 Compressional force 6 5 3 Porphyroblast grain Porphyroblast grain New orientation of mica New foliation with new orientation Disappearance of earlier foliation Description of the action Audio narration Text to be displayed 1) Show the formation of crenulation cleavage in Fig. 3 and 4, respectively. Due to pronounced compressional force, the curved lines become closely spaced and grains (red colored fillings) get flattened. 2) Time duration will be 1.5 sec for each Fig. Due to pronounced compressional force, the curved lines become closely spaced and grains (red colored fillings) become flattened. Due to the presence of liquid phase in the system, the soluble material dissolve and new minerals (mainly mica) start growing. New foliation with new orientation (compared to the earlier one) will develop (as shown in Fig. 6) 4 5

16 1 Animation design Please see the design template provided in the next slide. This is a sample template, and you are free to change as per your design requirements. Try and rename the tabs / buttons / sections / subsections as shown in the template. Use ‘callouts’ as shown above to explain the source of content. Ex: If the call out is placed at the Tab 01, and you want the content to be taken from slide 3 of this presentation, then place this callout on the Tab 01, and write ‘Slide 3’ inside the callout. 2 3 Slide 3 4 5

17 Slide 3 Interactivity area
Introduction Tab 02 Tab 03 Tab 04 Tab 05 Tab 06 Tab 07 Interactivity area Button 01 Button 02 Button 03 Oval shaped grain Result after applying compressional force: The foliation has folded. Initial position of crenulation cleavage foliation Blue arrow indicates the transformation from Fig. 1 to Fig. 2. Time duration for each Fig. will be 1 sec. Credits

18 Time duration for Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 will be 1.5 sec.
Slide 3 Introduction Tab 02 Tab 03 Tab 04 Tab 05 Tab 06 Tab 07 Interactivity area From Fig. 2 to Fig. 3 Button 01 Button 02 Button 03 4 4 3rd step of crenulation cleavage formation Growth of mica Elliptical shaped grain The oval-shaped grain has become ellipsoidal after a certain stage as it shown here ( Fig. 3, Fig. 4). Time duration for Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 will be 1.5 sec. Credits

19 Time duration for Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 will be 1.5 sec.
Slide 3 Introduction Tab 02 Tab 03 Tab 04 Tab 05 Tab 06 Tab 07 Interactivity area Button 01 Button 02 Button 03 5 6 New foliation with new orientation Disappearance of earlier foliation Time duration for Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 will be 1.5 sec. Credits

20 Self- Assessment Questionnaire for Learners
APPENDIX 1 Self- Assessment Questionnaire for Learners Please provide a set of questions that a user can answer based on the LO. They can be of the following types: These questions should be 5 in number and can be of objective type (like MCQ, Match the columns, Yes or No, Sequencing, Odd One Out). The questions can also be open-ended. The user would be asked to think about the question. The author is requested to provide hints if possible, but a full answer is not necessary. One can include questions, for which the user will need to interact with the LO (with certain parameters) in order to answer it. It is better to avoid questions based purely on recall.

21 Questionnaire: 1) Crenulation cleavages are Microfolds Macrofolds
APPENDIX 1 Questionnaire: 1) Crenulation cleavages are Microfolds Macrofolds Not related to folded type structures None of these 2) What type of lithology would you expect related with crenulation cleavage? A preexisting foliation consists of calcsillicate minerals (calcium bearing sillicate minerals) A preexisting foliation consists of quartzite A preexisting foliation consists of phyllosilicate minerals (muscovite, biotite, chlorite) Choose the correct one.

22 Questionnaire 3) Crenulation cleavages have a tendency to form
Perpendicular to the maximum shortening direction Parallel to the maximum shortening direction Inclined to the maximum shortening direction None of these Maximum shortening direction

23 Links for further reading
APPENDIX 2 Links for further reading In the next slide, provide some reference reading material for the users. It could be books, reference publications, or website URLs.

24 Links for further reading
Vernon, R. H., A practical guide to rock microstructure. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp Billings, M.P., Structural Geology. Prentice Hall Of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India. pp Passchier C. W., Trouw R.A.J., Microtectonics. Springer, Berlin. pp Fossen, H., Structural geology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp. 250

25 APPENDIX 3 Summary Please provide points to remember to understand the concept/ key terms of the animation, in the next slide. The summary will help the user in the quick review of the concept.

26 Summary Crenulation cleavages are closely spaced generally ranging between 0.1 mm to1 cm in size. It can be said like a series of micro folds of centimeter scale. Fluid phase plays a vital role for the development of Crenulation cleavage. Due to presence of the fluid phase the soluble minerals dissolved and growth of new minerals occurs over there. Basically, the cleavage domains are rich in micas but poor in quartz and feldspar.

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