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Lesson Starter What is diffusion?

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1 Lesson Starter What is diffusion?
Explain how the small intestine’s STRUCTURE helps it digested food be moved into the blood stream.

2 To understand the role of the large intestine in digestion
Learning Intention To understand the role of the large intestine in digestion

3 Food for thought.. Food broken down into simplest form (enzymes)
Digested food reabsorbed- small intestine Undigested food + water- LARGE INTESTINE

4 Where is the large intestine?
Last stop of digestive tract Large- shorter in length, larger diameter Wraps around the abdominal cavity

5 The Large Intestine Food “waste” reaches large intestine
Human body can’t digest anymore Still some “GOOD STUFF” left LI removes water and nutrients Dried waste = faeces (poop) Poop stored If “Upset”- fast- diarrhoea

6 Complete Absorption LI has 3 parts
Caecum – bacteria lives here. “good bacteria” - Digests what our bodies can’t - product= CO2 & methane Colon- longest part - Absorption Rectum- Undigested food (faeces) stored - Faeces expelled via anus

7 The Large Intestine (note)
After the digested food molecules are absorbed in the small intestine, the remainder of the food material is passed to the large intestine. The large intestine absorbs 90% of water- it dries out the remaining material. Undigested food is then passed out the body via the anus as faeces (poop).

8 Task (individual) Create a COMIC STRIP which shows the journey of an egg sandwich through the digestive system. Your comic strip should include pictures of the stages of digestion and a very short explanation of what is going on at each stage. Use colour, creativity and knowledge. Prizes will be awarded for the best comics!

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