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Using Active and Passive Voice

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1 Using Active and Passive Voice
What are active and passive voice? Active voice Passive voice Retained object Uses of active and passive voice Active-voice verbs Passive-voice verbs Review A Review B

2 What are active and passive voice?
Like people, verbs can be Harry tosses the ball. active Jill fell in the mud. or Jim is confused by the question. passive Phil has been hit by a snowball.

3 What are active and passive voice?
Voice is the form a verb takes to show whether the subject of the verb . . . performs the action Subject Verb Chef Tanaka prepares the meal. or receives the action Subject Verb The meal is prepared by Chef Tanaka.

4 What are active and passive voice? Active voice
When the subject of a verb performs the action, the verb is in the active voice. Active-voice verb Subject The tornado damaged many homes in the area. The subject tornado performs the action of damaging.

5 What are active and passive voice? Active voice
A transitive verb in the active voice has a direct object, which tells who or what receives the action. Direct object Verb Carol has adopted the puppy. Carol has adopted the puppy. The subject Carol performs the action. The direct object puppy receives the action.

6 What are active and passive voice? Passive voice
When the subject of a verb receives the action, the verb is in the passive voice. Subject Passive-voice verb Many homes in the area were damaged by the tornado. The subject homes receives the action of being damaged.

7 What are active and passive voice? Passive voice
Passive voice constructions include form of be + past participle were returned Other helping verbs may also be included. helping verb + form of be + past participle have been returned

8 What are active and passive voice? Passive voice
Passive voice constructions include a form of be, the past participle of the verb, and sometimes other helping verbs. Form of be Past participle The paintings were returned to the museum. Helping verb Form of be Past participle The paintings have been returned to the museum.

9 What are active and passive voice? Passive voice
A verb in the passive voice does not have a direct object. Passive-voice verb Subject The puppy has been adopted. The puppy has been adopted. The subject puppy receives the action.

10 What are active and passive voice? Passive voice
Sometimes a verb in the passive voice is followed by a prepositional phrase that begins with by and tells who or what performs the action. Passive-voice verb Prepositional phrase His watch was repaired. by a jeweler. The prepositional phrase tells you that a jeweler performed the action of repairing.

11 What are active and passive voice? Passive voice
Sometimes, a passive sentence does not indicate the performer of the action. Passive-voice verb The Hoover Dam was built in the 1930s. The performer of the action is not given.

12 What are active and passive voice? Retained object
When a sentence in the active voice has both an indirect object and a direct object . . . Active-voice verb Indirect object Direct object Ms. Cook gave each student a folder. either object can become the subject when the sentence is put in the passive voice. Passive-voice verb Passive-voice verb Subject Subject Each student was given a folder (by Ms. Cook). A folder was given to each student (by Ms. Cook).

13 What are active and passive voice? Retained object
When an active sentence with both a direct and an indirect object is put in the passive voice, the object that does not become the subject serves as the retained object. Indirect object Direct object Active voice Ms. Cook gave each student a folder. Subject Retained object Passive voice Each student was given a folder.

14 What are active and passive voice?
On Your Own Rewrite each sentence in the voice shown before the item number. (active) 1. The movie review was edited by Lenny. (passive) 2. Our entire class signed the letter. (passive) 3. My grandfather planted this garden. (active) 4. The bike has been repaired by my older sister. (active) 5. The tennis tournament was won by Tyler. (active) 6. We were given a tour by Ms. Hendrix. [End of Section]

15 Uses of active and passive voice
Active-voice verbs emphasize the action and the performer of the action. Active voice The optician adjusted the eyeglasses. Emphasis on the optician and the adjusting Passive-voice verbs emphasize the receiver of the action. Passive voice The eyeglasses were adjusted by the optician. Emphasis on the eyeglasses, which receive the action

16 Uses of active and passive voice Active-voice verbs
Writers prefer the active voice because it is more forceful and more direct. Active voice The group has reached a decision. Forceful and direct Passive voice A decision has been reached by the group. Not very forceful or direct

17 Uses of active and passive voice Active-voice verbs
The active voice is also more concise than the passive voice. Since active-voice verbs take fewer words, they sound less awkward. Active voice Gina asked me to go to the game. Clear and concise Passive voice I was asked by Gina to go to the game. Awkward sounding

18 Uses of active and passive voice Passive-voice verbs
In general, you should avoid using the passive voice since sentences in the passive voice can sound awkward and weak. Better (active voice) Awkward (passive voice) Cynthia will mow the lawn this weekend. The lawn will be mowed this weekend by Cynthia. Better (active voice) Weak (passive voice) The little boy gave the dog a special bone. A special bone was given to the dog by the little boy.

19 Uses of active and passive voice Passive-voice verbs
The passive voice does have its place, though. Use the passive voice when you do not know who performed the action Appropriate passive voice Three microscopes have been taken from the science lab. The writer does not know who took the microscopes.

20 Uses of active and passive voice Passive-voice verbs
Use the passive voice when you do not want to reveal the performer of the action Appropriate passive voice Several flat notes were hit during the opening number. The writer does not want to say who hit the flat notes.

21 Uses of active and passive voice Passive-voice verbs
Use the passive voice when you want to emphasize the receiver of the action rather than the performer Appropriate passive voice Lasers are used in communication, industry, and medicine. The writer wants to emphasize the lasers, not who is using them.

22 Uses of active and passive voice
On Your Own Identify each verb as active or passive voice. Rewrite each weak passive-voice sentence in the active voice. If the passive voice is appropriate, leave the sentence as is. _____ 1. The chickens are being fed by the farmer. _____ 2. A lovely plant has been left on my doorstep! _____ 3. The manager had hung a large, colorful poster in the store window. _____ 4. The chapter on oceans was carefully read by Tim. _____ 5. My brother has been sending me letters from college. [End of Section]

23 Review A For each sentence, tell whether the boldfaced verb is in the active or the passive voice. 1. The choir director immediately noticed Linda’s excellent singing voice. 2. Dr. Julia Gold is respected by her colleagues. 3. The missing money was replaced in the middle of the night. 4. Our group will perform a skit about the founding of the Jamestown settlement. 5. Has the basketball team really been practicing for two hours?

24 Review B Identify each sentence as active or passive voice. Rewrite each weak passive-voice sentence in the active voice. If the passive voice is appropriate, leave the sentence as is. _____ 1. We were hoping for clearer skies for the weekend. _____ 2. Special effects are often used to create excitement in Hollywood blockbusters. _____ 3. The test results were told to us by the principal. _____ 4. Bill has carefully reviewed the chapter on constitutional amendments. _____ 5. The halftime show was enjoyed by the crowd. [End of Section]

25 The End

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