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Sources and Sinks of Carbonaceous Aerosols in the Arctic in Spring

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1 Sources and Sinks of Carbonaceous Aerosols in the Arctic in Spring
Qiaoqiao Wang, Daniel J. Jacob, Jenny A. Fisher, Jingqiu Mao, Philippe Le Sager, Eric M. Leibensperger, Claire C. Carouge, Yutaka Kondo, Jose-Luis Jimenez, Michael J. Cubison, Steven G. Howell, Steffen Freitag, Antony D. Clarke, Cameron S. McNaughton, Rodney Weber, Eric Apel and The ARCTAS Science Team Research funded by the NASA Tropospheric Chemistry Program

2 Aerosol composition during ARCTAS
April 1-21, 2008 Organic matter accounts for % of fine aerosol mass Median black carbon concentration of 55 ng m-3 ( 2-5%)

3 GEOS-CHEM GEOS-CHEM Chemical transport model (2˚x2.5˚ with 72 vertical levels) Emission: FLAMBE for Biomass burning with hourly resolution, Bond et al.[2007] for anthropogenic emission SOA: from reversible partitioning of semivolatile products of biogenic VOCs oxidation

4 Wet deposition in GEOS-CHEM
Large scale precipitation Cloud updraft scavenging Anvil precipitation CCN In-cloud IN Below-cloud entrainment Washout: Re-evaporation detrainment 1.2-day time scale for conversion from hydrophobic to hydrophilic Water-soluble compounds for CCN and water-insoluble BC for IN Use scavenging coefficient for accumulation aerosol mode instead of the bulk parameterization for the whole aerosol size range

5 Simulations vs. Observations
Model (red) vs. observations (black) model source attribution OC BC Dominance of biomass burning for OC Dominance of anthropogenic emission from all continents contributing comparably for BC near the surface

6 Carbonaceous Aerosol in the Arctic in April 2008
OC BC BC_Anthropogenic BC_Biomass burning Alaska is not representative of the Arctic in terms of fire influence Fire plumes are superimposed on a well-mixed background

7 Total deposition of OC and BC onto snow in April
Anthropogenic OC Biomass burning OC Anthropogenic BC Biomass burning BC OC Uniformity of deposition in the Arctic

8 Seasonal variation in source contributions
Deposition in the Arctic ( monthly average, Gg) OC BC Contributions of biomass burning to deposition in Arctic increase from 2% to 63% for BC and from 9% to 89% for OC from Jan. to Apr. 71% of OC and 33% of BC is from biomass burning in terms of total deposition in Jan-Apr.

9 Conclusions OC in ARCTAS originated mainly from Russian biomass burning Dominance of anthropogenic contribution from all continents contributing comparably to BC near surface in ARCTAS Sources of OC and BC deposited onto snow are similar to those in the atmosphere Contributions of biomass burning to deposition in the arctic increase from 2% to 63% for BC and from 9% to 89% for OC from Jan. to Apr.

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