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Applications Radio waves and Broadcasting waves.

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1 Applications Radio waves and Broadcasting waves

2 Radio waves A kind of electromagnetic light energy with wavelengths anywhere from a few centimeters to several kilometers long. Radio waves can be used to carry signals to and from spacecraft and Earth.

3 Radio wavelengths radio waves are the longest out of all the waves in the electromagnetic spectrum The shortest radio waves are about 100 yards.

4 Frequencies *Radio frequencies represent a subsection of electromagnetic energy found on the energy spectrum. *Signal strength differentiates the different types of radio waves, and all radio waves fall between mm and 100km in distance, and 3 KHz to 300 GHz in frequency.

5 How Radio and light waves relate
Both radio and light waves travel at the same speed 260,000 miles per second.

6 AM/FM radio AM- broadcasted with a single specific carrier frequency.
*more range *1 MHz, 300 m wavelength FM - broadcasted with a specific amplitude. *better quality *100 MHz, 3 m wavelength

7 "About Radio Frequencies." eHow. N.p., 2011. Web. 1 Mar. 2011. Np
< "AM/FM Radios ." Physics Forums. vBulletin , n.d. Web. 2 Mar nod < "Glossary for 'Sign Here!' words ." Spaceplace. NASA, 17 June Web Mar < sign_glossary.shtml#top>. "KidsCommo." Regimental Division,Office Chief of Signal. N.p., 31 Jan Web. 1 Mar < radowork.asp>. Zitzewitz, Paul W, comp. Physics Principles and Problems ed. New York: Glencoe, Print.

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