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Islamic Achievements Section 4.

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1 Islamic Achievements Section 4

2 Standard 7.2.6 Understand the intellectual exchanges among Muslim scholars of Eurasia and Africa and the contributions Muslim scholars made to later civilizations in the areas of science, geography, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, art, and literature.

3 Background Knowledge The caliphate enjoyed a golden age during the early years of Abassid rule. But Muslim cultural achievements continued long after that. This section will cover the achievements of Muslim scholars and artists and their contributions to later civilizations.

4 Muslim Learning All knowledge is sacred
The development of paper and creation of a paper mill in Baghdad The development of Arabic into the language of international scholarship Libraries and academies were established for study and exchange of ideas “House of Wisdom” in Baghdad – works from Greece, Persia, and India were collected and translated

5 Philosophy Islamic faith with the principles of Greek logic
Al-Kindi and Ibn Rushd studied the works of Aristotle Influenced European philosophers

6 Medicine Islamic hospitals
Doctors were skilled at surgery , including cancer and brain operations. Doctors had to pass a test and carry a license to practice medicine Ibn Sina The Canon of Medicine, which covered every known disease and treatment known at the time.

7 Science and Math Decimal system based on Hindu numerals and the zero
Advances also made in geometry, algebra, and trigonometry Astronomers built observatories and measured the Earth. the astrolabe, an instrument designed to measure and plot the position of stars. created to find the Qibla, the direction that should be faced when a Muslim prays.

8 Geography and History Ibn Khaldun wrote a history of the world that explained the rise and fall of dynasties. Ibn Battuta, a well-known traveler, wrote about his 30 year journey across much of Asia and Africa, and describes what he saw

9 The Arts and Literature
The words of the Hadith, the written record of the Sunnnah, inspired the creation of beautiful works of art and architecture, which continues its influence

10 Art and Architecture designs on finely woven carpets, colorful tiles, and palace walls. Arabesque, a pattern of curved shapes and lines resembling flowers or vines Muslim architects built mosques with minarets, shrines, and palaces. The Dome of the Rock, in Jerusalem The Taj Mahal, a monument in India Islam discourages the illustration of humans or animals in paintings, because it was considered a form of idol worship.

11 Calligraphy Calligraphy, artful handwriting, was the most sacred of all Muslim arts.

12 Literature and Poetry Muslim writers wrote charming stories and folk tales. Many of these tales were collected in a book called The Thousand and one Nights

13 Poetry Islamic Poetry was based on oral tradition. The Sufis, a deeply spiritual Muslim group, emphasized the importance of love and unity of all faiths.

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