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Search Sources of Ultrahigh Energy Particles in our Galaxy. V. A

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1 Search Sources of Ultrahigh Energy Particles in our Galaxy. V. A
Search Sources of Ultrahigh Energy Particles in our Galaxy V.A. Kolosov, A.A. Mikhailov Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy, 31 Lenin Ave., Yakutsk, Russia,

2 Yakutsk array from 1974 continue to operate, now S~10 km2
Yakutsk array from 1974 continue to operate, now S~10 km2 20 Y, KM. 2,5 X, KM. C геог. Ю 22 51 23 48 57 47 52 19 11 39 46 10 4 1 56 44 37 9 15 58 21 42 53 24 49 50 12 40 6 14 2 59 55 25 13 3 38 45 7 43 8 54 41 5 84 85 83 87 82 81 89 88 86 18 17 16 – мастерная станция с черенковским детектором. – мастерная станция. – станция сгущения, входящая в малую черенковскую установку. – мюонный детектор, S = 20 м2. – мюонный детектор, S = 36 м2. – большой мюонный детектор, S = 186 м2. 1 км БМД 36


4 We consider EAS with usual and deficit muons at E>5
We consider EAS with usual and deficit muons at E> eV by Yakutsk data, accuracy angles , threshold of muon detectors register E>1/cos GeV. We consider EAS with E> eV by P. Auger, HiRes, AGASA data also.

5 Observed (circles) and expected (curves) density (r) electron-photon and moon components in depends from distances of axis EAS, E>1 GeV.

6 21 EAS without  - , 5 EAS with poor  - o

7 Distribution particles in RA: a) 5. 1018 – 1019 eV, b) 1019 – 4
Distribution particles in RA: a) – 1019 eV, b) 1019 – eV, c) > eV

8 Amplitudes A1 and phase’s RA1 of the 1-st harmonic are shown: at E~1019 eV - A1=15.24.8%, RA=0. Probability - P~ N=898.

9 Observed (circles) and expected (dotted curve) number of particles < from pulsars: a) – all sphere, b) halo,c) anticenter, d) from side of Local Arm Orion, <45, at <6 - P~ (ECRC, 1998).  

10 EAS without   and pulsars  (R. Manchester et al
EAS without   and pulsars  (R. Manchester et al.,2006), R<6, ~ 80% EAS correlate with pulsars

11 Yakutsk, E> eV, EAS <45o from side Orion arm (R<6, ▲ ~ 85% EAS - arm, outside - 43% correlate )

12 Ratio number of pulsars with period P - n(P0<P)/n(P>P0) at R<6o: 1 – P. Auger; 2- AGASA; 3 – HiReS; Yakutsk (=0); 5 - Yakutsk (usual ); P – pulsars M. Giler, P. Blasi, A.Olinto – E~1/P2

13 Portion pulsars with periods P0 <0. 01 sec
Portion pulsars with periods P0 <0.01 sec. N=n(<P0)/( n(P)- n(<P0)), : 1 –PAO, 2 – HiRes, 3 – AGASA, 4 – Yak.1(usual), 5 - Yak.2.(=0). Dash line – catalogue of pulsars

14 Distribution correlated pulsars: 1 – PAO, 2 – HiRes, 3 – AGASA, 4 – “Yak. 1 (=0), 5 – “Yak. 2 (usual ).

15 Distribution pulsars by distances (catalogue)

16 Distribution pulsars by distances, PAO

17 Yakutsk, E>4. 1019 eV, 34 EAS: 1974-1985, 4 EAS- P~0
Yakutsk, E> eV, 34 EAS: , 4 EAS- P~0.1, , 5 EAS-P~0.03 (ICRC, 2007, Mexico).

18 AGASA, E>4. 1019 eV- 58 EAS: 1984-1994, 13 EAS– P~ 0
AGASA, E> eV- 58 EAS: , 13 EAS– P~ 0.001, , 12 EAS – P~0.001 (ICRC, 2007, Mexico).

19 P. AUGER, E>5. 7×1019 eV - 27 EAS: 2004-2005, 3 EAS– P~ 0
P.AUGER, E>5.7×1019 eV - 27 EAS: , 3 EAS– P~ 0.001, , 4 EAS – P~0.006 (ICRC, 2007, Mexico).

20 P.Auger:  - EAS, which correlate and uncorrelated with pulsars, ,  EAS which correlated pulsars with periods: <P<0.1 - n=2; 0.001<P< n=12;. Max: P(12,69)< PSR , , , , ,

21 Table 1. Correlation EAS with pulsars from side Orion arm
Table 1. Correlation EAS with pulsars from side Orion arm. Number of EAS N1 and number of particles N2 inside <45 Orion arm, P - probability Array, E, eV , deg. N1 N2 P P. Auger, >4.1019 3 69 6 4.10-2 Yakutsk, (0.8-4)1019 898 265 10-3 140 3.10-2

22 Distribution pulsars which have 10 particles (Yakutsk, E~1019 eV) with E=(0.8-4)1019 eV at radius <6 (circles), P<10-4 .

23   Conclusion It is found some correlation arrival directions EAS with pulsars short periods by world data, maximum EAS from side a galactic plane by Yakutsk and Auger data. Most likely, cosmic rays are galactic. No extragalactic cosmic rays.

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