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JHS Senior Meeting #1 “Getting Ready for the Next Step”

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Presentation on theme: "JHS Senior Meeting #1 “Getting Ready for the Next Step”"— Presentation transcript:

1 JHS Senior Meeting #1 “Getting Ready for the Next Step”

2 Purpose of this meeting
Cover topics that you will need to know about during your senior year Guide you through the steps of graduating and preparing for life after high school Share resources/tips that may help you make some decisions

3 Are you on track to graduate?
Four units each of science, history , English, and math(must include Alg 1, Geom, Alg 2 ) Advanced Endorsement- at least 3 honors level in each core area above electives(must include 1unit of LIFE P.E. or approved sport equivalent, 1 unit of Career Preparedness, ½ unit of health) Above electives should include 3 units in any combination from the following areas: foreign language, career tech, or fine arts Advanced Endorsement- 80 volunteer hrs Career Tech Endorsement-3 CT courses, 2 sequential recommended

4 Transcripts Check for ACCURACY Note any discrepancies
Discuss these with your counselor Are you in the classes needed for graduation? Did you repeat any classes? Make-up failed classes? Weighted G.P.A is used for class rank Unweighted G.P.A is used by most colleges for admissions You must come to counselor’s office to request an official transcript to be mailed. You can get up to 10 free copies, $1 for each additional.


6 Options After High School
College(2-4 yr, Trades, Apprenticeships) Military Work

7 Let’s Focus on College First

8 Consider College Characteristics
Majors & educational programs Type of school & degrees offered Admission policy Location & size Costs & financial aid(Family contribution) College affiliation & accreditation Campus activities Support services

9 ACT/SAT Waivers Eligible students(must be economically disadvantaged according to ACT’s income table) Must pick up form from counselor’s office 2 test waivers 4 admission fee waivers Be sure to report for testing!

10 Create Target List Must have a working . It’s quick, simple, and free! Pick 3 to 5 schools that interest you. Always apply to a “Safe School” or school that you know you can get into. (ASCC) Apply! (Most are online.) Application for admission. Admissions Fee Waiver? (Eligible student, participating college). No refunds once you pay the fee! Total of 4 High school transcript Recommendations Admission test results Apply for housing early if living on campus. Check If you have questions ask your parents, counselor, an admissions director, or career coach, Maggie Dailey.

11 Visit Colleges Virtual Tours on Internet/Websites Go on a campus tour-Pick up College/Military Visit Form for 4X from counselor’s office. Tip: Carpool with a Classmate Talk to College representatives when they visit JHS or when you see them at college fairs-ASCC College Fair(Sept. 30) Posting of College Reps on our Campus will be outside the cafeteria, senior classes, and under Senior Bulletin on school’s website. Students should see Ms. Stabler for a college pass for reps unless they are set up outside the café during lunch.


13 Important Dates for September
Troy University- Sept 14 (9-10 a.m.) Faulkner University-Sept 16(9:30-10:30 a.m. Univ. of AL-Sept 21(9-10 a.m.) USA- Sept 23(8:30-9:30 a.m.) AL State-Sept 27? (10-11 a.m.) UWA- Sept 29(1:00) ASCC College Fair (Travel to Tville Campus) Location of meeting will be announced prior to date.

14 Money for College Be Proactive! Be aware of Deadlines!
Scholarship List- provided today(additional copies can by downloaded from the school’s website Be responsible on social media(admissions/jobs/scholarships) Mindset: “No amount of free money is too small.” FAFSA: Free Federal Aid(October session) Investigate ALL possible resources Parents Savings Summer earnings Financial aid: scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study

15 College Bound Athletes
-If you hope to play college sports, you must meet NCAA academic eligibility requirements. -Visit for more information and up-to-date guidelines. -NCAA will need an official copy of your transcript. To send a copy of your transcript to NCAA, see Ms. Stabler. -Waivers available for eligible students. -Register with the Clearinghouse to begin the process.

16 Time Saving Tip: Store College and Scholarship Essays
Provide resume’ for recommenders.

17 Alabama College Application Campaign Week Oct 31-Nov 4
Statewide initiative to make sure that all high school seniors have applied to at least one post-secondary school. Promote college awareness for the student body through various events.

18 Military ASVAB(Military Entrance Exam) is required ASVAB will be given on Oct. 13th and again in Feb. Please sign up after this meeting if military is a possible choice for you Military recruiters will begin visiting JHS in October. Watch for postings on website, Facebook, and Twitter. Can provide funds for college also.

19 Workforce Encouraged to seek credentialing from Career Tech Academies if going straight into the workforce Prepare and do well on ACT WorkKeys to receive Career Readiness Certificate that a lot of employers are now looking for.

20 Congratulations!!! You are almost there, but make this year count too!
Remember, no decision is a decision!

21 Resources

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