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MKFM6: multivariate stationary state-space time-series

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1 MKFM6: multivariate stationary state-space time-series
modeling using ML estimation in the Kalman Filter at yt et zt S H G at+1 yt+1 et+1 zt+1 Z B xt+1 R at-1 at-2

2 y[t] an ny dimensional random vector
repeatedly observed at occasion t-1...t...t+1 in a sample of N=1 or N>1 Q Q zt zt+1 G G H H H at-1 at at+1 at-2 B B S S xt xt+1 Z yt Z yt+1 et et+1 t=1.....T R R

3 y[t] = S a[t] S=I Q Q zt zt+1 G G H H H at-1 at at+1 at-2 B B S S xt
et et+1 R R

4 a[t+1] = H a[t+1] + G z[t+1] G=I
y[t] = S a[t] a[t+1] = H a[t+1] + G z[t+1] G=I Q Q zt zt+1 G G H H H at-1 at at+1 at-2 B B S S xt xt+1 Z yt Z yt+1 et et+1 1st Order Autoregressive in structure, Markov model VARMA(p,q) models R R

5 y[t] = S a[t] + e[t] S≠I a[t+1] = H a[t+1] + G z[t+1]
at latent (as in factor analysis) Q Q zt zt+1 G G H H H at-1 at at+1 at-2 B B S S xt xt+1 Z yt Z yt+1 yt observed et et+1 R R

6 y[t] = S a[t] + e[t] + Z x[t]
a[t+1] = H a[t+1] + G z[t+1] covariance matrices regression parameters Q Q zt zt+1 G G H H H at-1 at at+1 at-2 B B S S xt xt+1 yt yt+1 Z Z et et+1 R R x is fixed regressor (e.g., if x=1, Z are means)

7 y[t] = S a[t] + e[t] + Z x[t] a[t+1] = H a[t+1] + G z[t+1] + B x[t+1]
covariance matrices regression parameters Q Q zt zt+1 G G H H H at-1 at at+1 at-2 B B S S xt xt+1 yt yt+1 Z Z et et+1 R R

8 y[t] = S a[t] + d + e[t] + Z x[t]
a[t+1] = H a[t+1] + c + G z[t+1] + B x[t+1] d and c superfluous, but convenient Q Q zt zt+1 G G at-1 H H at H at+1 at-2 B B xt S S xt+1 Z yt Z yt+1 et et+1 R R

9 y[t] = S a[t] + d + e[t] + Z x[t]
a[t+1] = H a[t+1] + c + G z[t+1] + B x[t+1] d and c superfluous, but convenient Q Q zt zt+1 G G at-1 H H at H at+1 at-2 c c 1 S S 1 d yt d yt+1 et et+1 R R

10 N Groups T type Software large ≥1 small SEM LISREL, M+, Mx
at y at+1 e at-1 zt-1 zt zt+1 yt-11 yt1 yt yT1 ..... yt-1N ytN yt+1N yTN subject time N Groups T type Software large ≥1 small SEM LISREL, M+, Mx small ≥1 intermediate hybrid MKFM 1 ≥1 large Timeseries Many, MKFM Acually all structural equation modeling, the details dictate computational strategies

11 S=1 R=1 H=1 Q=1 d=1 c=0 Z=0 P=1 B=0 G=1
at y at+1 e at-1 zt-1 zt zt+1 S R H Q G 1 d Syntax nm=1 se=yes mo=1 ny=4 ne=1 nx=0 df=ts1 rf=no ns=1 mi=-9 S=1 R=1 H=1 Q=1 d=1 c=0 Z=0 P=1 B=0 G=1

12 S=1 R=1 H=1 Q=1 d=1 c=0 Z=0 P=1 B=0 G=1
R fi di R fr di G fi di 1 G fr di d fr d fi H fi H fr 21 Q fi fu 1 Q fr fu 31 S fi S fr 41 42 43 Syntax

13 R parameters - diagonal 0.395 0.453 0.563 0.500 H parameters 0.799
Model 1 of 1 S parameters 1.000 0.934 0.812 0.683 R parameters - diagonal H parameters 0.799 Q parameters 0.348 d parameters G parameters - diagonal output Q zt-1 G at-1 1 H d S y y y y e e e e R

14 Colored lines - observed series
Black line - estimated latent series (Kalman Filter)

15 at y at+1 e at-1 zt-1 zt zt+1 S R H Q G 1 d Q: what if H is zero?

16 at y at+1 e at-1 zt-1 zt zt+1 S R Q G 1 d Q: what if H is zero? A: data at each occasion are independent. If H is zero, I can fit the model in LISREL (or Mx, or M+) Or in MKFM6

17 H=0 at+1 y e zt+1 S R Q I S parameters 1.000 0.867 0.841 0.665 LAMBDA-Y Q parameters 0.949 PSI R parameters - diagonal THETA-EPS

18 Similarities between the LISREL model and the MKF State- Space model.
measurement (linear factor) model y[t] = Sa[t] + d + e[t] + Z x[t] y[i] = Lh[i] + t + e[i] structural regression model a[t+1] = H a[t+1] + c + G z[t+1] + B x[t+1] h[i] = B h[i] + a + I z[t+1] cov(e) = R cov(e) = Q regression parameters covariance matrices cov(z) = GQG' = Q cov(z) = Y Sy-Miin Chow et al. SEM 2010. next example VAR

19 Restricted vector autoregressive model, S=I
a1t a2t a3t a1t+1 a2t+1 a3t+1 H 1 x B d Q Restricted vector autoregressive model, S=I y[t] and a[t] variables identical

20 Effect of x on a2 and a3 via a1 (a causal model)
regression on fixed x x x B B Q a1t a1t+1 a2t a2t+1 H a3t a3t+1 intercepts d 1 1 Effect of x on a2 and a3 via a1 (a causal model)

21 timeseries a1, a2, a3 x fixed variable gaps: 25% missing in each series

22 x x B Q B a1t a1t+1 a2t a2t+1 H a3t a3t+1 d 1 G fi di 1 1 1 Q fi di
G fr di 0 0 0 d fr 1 2 3 d fi H fi H fr 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q fi di 1 1 1 Q fr di S fi di S fr di 0 0 0 B fr 31 32 33 B fi x x B Q B a1t a1t+1 a2t a2t+1 H a3t a3t+1 d 1 1 S=1 R=0 H=1 Q=1 d=1 c=0 Z=0 P=1 B=1 G=1 next example latent var

23 D - depression, A anxiety
autoregressive / cross lagged regressive model - with indicators

24 D - depression, A anxiety
wife A D husband

25 N=1 Meas. Inv. of indicators w.r.t. external variable x
z z z z a a a a y y y y y y y y y y y y e e e e e e e e e e e e B S H d (not shown) i.e. intercepts G

26 N=1 Meas. Inv. of indicators w.r.t. external variable x
f(yi|a*) = f(yi|a*,xi) z z a a y y y y y y e e e e e e

27 N=1 Meas. Inv. of indicators w.r.t. external variable x
two indicators biased w.r.t. x. x x z z z z a a a a y y y y y y y y y y y y e e e e e e e e e e e e B S H Z (bias with respect to x) G f(yi|a*) ≠ f(yi|a*,xi)

28 f(yi|a*) = f(yi|a*,subjecti)
z e x B f(yi|a*) = f(yi|a*,subjecti) Are the indicators measurement invariant w.r.t. subject (e.g., N=2)? d is invariant (intercepts equal), B zero in subject 1, B free in subject 2 X could equal 1.

29 f(yi|a*) = f(yi|a*,xi) f(yi|a*) = f(yi|a*,subjecti) Definition of measurement invariance in N=1 or N=2. + Interpretation as an intra-individual causal model Relationship with inter-individual causal model Issue of power: simulation? exact simulation? is N=100, T=1 relevant to N=1, T=100. Application (real data)

30 ML parameter estimates R11 0.51000 R22 0.36000 R33 0.51000 R44 0.36000
T=50 Ny=4 N=250 ML parameter estimates R R R R D D D D H Q S S S ML parameter estimates (.51) (.36) (.51) (.36) (.0) (.0) (.80) (.36) (.8) (.7) (.8)

31 Good points: N=1, N=few, N=many Multigroup, where group is N=1 or N>1 No limitation on length of timeseries T Can handle N=few T=intermediate (a niche!) Missing data no problem (under assumptions) Model quite flexible Freely available (FORTRAN 77 code) Easy-ish to use Bad points: Stationarity (cov structure) ML fixed effect only (no random effects) Continuous indicators, conditional normality

32 Estimation: Maximum Likelihood in the Kalman Filter
(prediction error decomp.) Documentation: mkfm.doc (manual with examples: DFA, ARMA, includes FORTAN source code) j_adolf.doc (more examples incl meas. inv.) some technical doc (online; Ellen Hamaker) My main reference: A.C. Harvey (1996). Forecasting, structural time series models and the Kalman Filter. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. Other good references: Hamilton, Kim & Nelson. One or two articles using MKFM: Ellen Hamaker (UU).

33 To use: 1) Organize data input (manual) 2) Write input script (manual) 3) Run analysis in DOS window mkfm6-1 < inputfile > outputfile

34 Input #1: Model specification title example simulated nm=1 se=yes S fi
mo=1 ny=4 ne=1 nx=1 df=ts1mi rf=no ns=1 mi=-999 B=1 S=1 R=1 H=1 Q=1 d=1 c=0 Z=0 P=1 G=1 R fi di R fr di G fi di 1 G fr di d fr d fi H fi H fr 21 Q fi Q fr 31 Input #1: Model specification S fi 1 S fr 41 42 43 B fi B fr 50 P fi 100 P fr st ... lb ub

35 Input part #2: the data file 250 4.621209 5.754381 6.855362 7.026104 0
data file: TS1MI 250

36 Output part#1: Model specification
max nm= 5 nt=5000 ns= 10 ny=30 nx= 5 ne=30 npar=400 Read from input file title example simulated nm=1 se=yes mo=1 ny=4 ne=1 nx=1 df=ts1mi rf=no ns=1 mi=-999 B=1 S=1 R=1 H=1 Q=1 d=1 c=0 Z=0 P=1 G=1 =================== MKFv1 April 2010 Model 1 of 1 S fr parameters (nonzero) 11 12 13 R fr parameters (nonzero) - diagonal H fr parameters (nonzero) 9 Q fr parameters (nonzero) 10 d fr parameters (nonzero) B fr parameters (nonzero) 14 Output part#1: Model specification

37 Output part#2: Summary stats + parameter estimates, st errs, tvals
DATA SUMMARY MODEL 1 of 1 NY= 4 NX= 1 NE= 1 Ncases= 1 START= 1 END= 1 CASE T= 250 N of T missing= 0 datafile ts1mi State_ var %miss mean var std min max Number of fixed regressors 1 ML parameter estimates nr g se t nr g se t nr g se t nr g se t nr g se t nr g se t nr g se t nr g se t nr g se t nr g se t nr g se t nr g se t nr g se t nr g se t Logl xLogL Inform(NPSOL) 0

38 Output part#3: parameter estimates in matrices title example simulated
Model 1 of 1 S parameters 1.000 0.923 0.719 0.621 R parameters - diagonal H parameters 0.726 Q parameters 0.482 P parameters d parameters G parameters - diagonal B parameters 0.957 P(t|t) error cov 0.233 Output part#3: parameter estimates in matrices

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