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The Denmark Vesey Insurrection

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1 The Denmark Vesey Insurrection
Insurrection: the action of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority

2 Denmark Vesey Slave who won the lottery and bought his freedom
Planned a secret slave rebellion in Charleston Rebellion was discovered and never occurred Vesey and his conspirators were captured and hung

3 History Frame Title or Event: Problem or Goal
Denmark Vesey Insurrection Problem or Goal To rebel against the white slave owners and gain freedom Key Participants Denmark Vesey- slaves, and informants Where/When?: Charleston 1822


5 History Frame Key Episodes or Events
Using church meetings, Vesey planned a well-organized rebellion in the city of Charleston. Slaves were the majority of the population

6 History Frame Resolution or Outcome:
Plan failed because too many people found out. Vesey was betrayed by an informer. Themes/Lessons Learned: Slave owners passed slave codes to limit blacks their freedoms in the state. Illegal to read or write, don’t let slaves in the city, teaching the Bible must be supervised.

7 The Vesey Plot A major threat to the South’s slavery system.
What did the 1820 census tell about the population in South Carolina? What were “black codes?” Give two examples. Describe Denmark Vesey. Describe Vesey’s plan. How many slaves agreed to participate? How did the white population find out? When did they find out? What happened to the leaders of the Vesey plot? What happened to Vesey?

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