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Data Submission Training Overview & Updates
Financial Aid Data Submission Training Overview & Updates August 24, 2017 Tim Bonnel, SFA Specialist Todd Hoig, MIS Administrator
Today’s Agenda COMIS 101 Statewide COMIS~FA Update for 2017
Data Uses and Timelines Student Financial Aid Data Submission Overview Common Errors Reviewing Financial Aid Data New MIS Features: Q&A Statewide COMIS~FA Update for 2017 Gainful Employment reminder – Finding and Accessing reports MIS Functions: Net Price Calculator (NPC) Student Services Automated Reporting (SSARCC) Data Mart Version 2.0 Training Q&A
Statewide COMIS~FA Update
Financial Aid – August 24, 2017
Gainful Employment Colleges should reconcile approved programs with IPEDS, PPA, and College as well as NSLDS submissions for program lengths (Pell origination and Loan Program) CIP Codes, Program Titles, Award Type (certificate or degree) GE files due October 1, 2017 Gainful Employment Electronic Announcement #107 - Information for GE Reporting by the October 1, 2017 Deadline Disclosure templates were still required by July 1, If your web links aren’t live with required diclosures in the required template, you are non–compliant.
Finding and Accessing Reports
Analysis Report Reports for will be available at: No user logon/password required Data available from to present
MIS Functions Net Price Calculator (NPC)
Student Services Automated Reporting (SSARCC) enhancements CSAC SB70 Reporting Data Mart Version 2.0
Data Integrity is a college responsibility
Net Price Calculator Net Price Calculator Site: XXX = 3 numeric character MIS college code Updated in the late Spring: Current year Data Data Integrity is a college responsibility
SSARCC~Update FTSSG Report File validation/submission protocol
CCSG Report file validation/submission protocol NEW Recently added fields to reflect college contact info (name, phone, , title) regarding report questions New fields to reflect CCCCO reviewer contact info (name, phone, , title) Styill working on Comment Field to identify issues or concerns related to questionable entries
CCCSG Report File Data Elements
Student SSN - Student's 9 digit SSN with no dashes (#########) or optionally blank for students without SSN Student local ID - Student's local ID Award Term - Code specifying term CCCG was awarded (F - fall, W - winter, S – spring, U – Summer, I - Intersession) Award Year - 4 digit year FTSSG was awarded (2016 or 2017 for fall, 2017 for winter or spring) Award Amount - Dollar amount of CCCG award Units attempted at time of payment
CSAC SB70 Reporting Enrollment Persistence and Graduation (EPG) Data File for year 6 due Dec 2017 Direct submission by CCCCO to CSAC on behalf of the CCCs Placement and Wage Data regulations approved at CSAC Sept 2014 meeting. Information provided to CSAC annually, in the spring Regulations permit CCCs to use the Salary Surfer site to reflect data for compliant reporting to CSAC on Graduation Placement and Wage (GPW) data file. Updated annually in the Summer Aug 2016 Direct submission by CCCCO to CSAC on behalf of the colleges
Data Mart Version 2.0 Is available – link on the CCCCO homepage
Data is real time current - Financial Aid Query Site:
MIS Updates for 2016 - 17 Deadline for 2016-17 COMIS~FA Oct 1, 2017
Clean up by December 1, 2017 New for SF21 Student Aid Award Types: GK = CalWORKS grant GY =, CAFYES grant LY =, CAFYES loan WK = CalWORKS WS, WY = CAFYES WS GU = SSSP/Equity/DSPS direct assistance as institutional aid New for SF21 Student Aid Award Types: GH = Community College Completion Grant CCCG
Reporting Update 2017 CCCSE/Osher Scholarship Annual report for Due October 2nd COB R2T4 Annual Reimbursement request report for Due November 3rd COB SSARCC Online Annual Financial Aid Form 3 Report (and annual supplemental information) Due October 27th COB
Webinars Annual Reporting (SSARCC, Osher, R2T4, FTSSG and adjustments to prior year from returned, recovered, uncashed or stale dated checks (Registration Required) August 31 from 10-11:30a September 5 from 3-4:30p MIS Data Submission (Registration Required) August 24 from 2-3:30p FTSSG Update & Completion Grant Implementation (Registration Required) August 29 from 10:30a-12n September 7 from 2:30-4p
Webinars cont’d BOGFW / California College Promise Grants - No Registration Required - CALL FOR INFO August 10 – 3:00 pm August 15 – 1:30 pm August 18 – 10:00 am August 29 – 9:00 am August 31 – 3:00 pm
In-Person Trainings New FA Director Training – November tbd, Sacramento CASFAA – October 29-31, 2017 Monterey FSA Conference Nov 28-Dec 1, 2017 Orlando All FA Director Training – March 19-20, 2018 Palm Springs (tentative) CCCSFAAA March 20-22, 2018 Palm Springs (tentative)
Data Uses and Timelines
Financial Aid – August 24, 2017
Data Uses Financial Aid Allocations Legislative Reporting
Federal IPEDS Reporting Perkins Allocations/Core Indicators CSAC SB70 Reporting Net Price Calculator System Office Data Mart Research Questions Legislative Analyst Office Department of Finance California Postsecondary Education Commission California Student Aid Commission UC/CSU Legislature – Committees and individual members
October 1 Financial Aid CCCCO MIS data are due to the Chancellor’s Office Mid-November Preliminary review by Financial Aid Unit Finance Report (BOGs/Pells) Early December Financial Aid report to the Legislature Perkins Career Technical Allocation (Initial) January Resubmission deadline for Perkins allocation February Final Perkins Allocation December to IPEDS Winter Collection Early February
Federal IPEDS* Reporting
Data are submitted to IPEDS for California Community Colleges by both the Chancellor’s Office and by college/district. CCCCO submits all IPEDS surveys except for Finance data (revenues and expenditures) and Academic Library. If a survey is not completed the institution is subject to a fine. *Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
Financial Aid & IPEDS IPEDS Data Collection is federally mandated to receive federal financial aid funding. Fall Collection Institutional Characteristics, Completions, 12 Month Enrollments Winter Collection Student Financial Aid, Graduation Rates Spring Collection Fall Enrollment, Human Resources, Finance* and Academic Library* * Finance and Academic Library (Districts Submit, Not Submitted by CCCCO MIS)
Gainful Employment Reporting
CCCCO MIS does not create or submit the files for the college. College responsibility Colleges should reconcile approved programs with IPEDS, PPA, and College as well as NSLDS submissions for program lengths (Loan Program) CIP Codes Program Titles Award Type (certificate or degree)
Gainful Employment Reporting
Effective date: Reporting for due October 1, 2017 Failure to comply may result in adverse action: HCM2
SB 70 Reporting Enrollment Persistence and Graduation (EPG) Data File for year 6 due Dec 2017 Direct submission by CCCCO to CSAC on behalf of the CCCs Placement and Wage Data regulations approved at CSAC Sept 2014 meeting. Information provided to CSAC annually, in the spring Regulations permit CCCs to use the Salary Surfer site to reflect data for compliant reporting to CSAC on Graduation Placement and Wage (GPW) data file. Updated annually in the Summer Aug 2016 Direct submission by CCCCO to CSAC on behalf of the colleges
Student Financial Aid Data Submission Overview
Financial Aid – August 24, 2017
Data Entered Into System
1 MIS Dept College/District Data Entered Into System User Reviews Data Data Source (local) 3 2 4 District Database (Local Data Mart and Reports) CCCCO MIS Database Local Reconciliation Process is Critical to Data Quality
The Chancellor’s Office MIS Database
Emp. Assign. EOPS DSPS Emp. Demo. SSSP Student Demographics (SB) Perkins Calendar Assignments Enrollments (SX) Sessions Fin. Aid Sections Pgm. Awds. Special Population Courses Cal- WORKs Assess.
Financial Aid Reporting Domain
Student Applied for Financial Aid SB Student Basic Record Met SB Criteria at least 1 term in academic year SF Financial Applicant Record 1 Record per applicant FA Financial Award 1 Record for each award per term Must have a SB record in that term 0 to Many Awards in a term Financial Aid MIS Data 2017 FI Aid Student Demographics (SB)
Financial Aid Data Elements
For CCCCO MIS Reporting An academic year is Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring Financial Aid has a leading summer and may have a trailing summer Financial Aid is reported annually after the conclusion of the trailing summer – Reported October 2016 – MIS Annual Code 160 – Reported October 2017 – MIS Annual Code 170 Financial Aid is reported in two records Applicant record – SF (one per student) Award record – FA (many award term payments per student) The Award Record (FA) has two reporting terms MIS Annual Code – the academic year MIS Term Code – the term(s) in the academic year that the student received the award (summer, fall , winter, spring, summer)
Reporting for Academic Year 2016 – 2017, Due Oct 1, 2017
Term Received Leading Summer 2016 Fall 2016 Winter 2017 Spring 2017 Trailing Summer 2017
Financial Aid Data Elements
Financial Aid Reporting
SF01 STUDENT-AID-APPLICANT-STATUS X(01) This element indicates whether a financial aid applicant received financial aid or not and the reason if they did not. This element should be reported for all financial aid applicants. CODING MEANING 1 = Received financial aid Did not receive financial aid because: 2 = Never enrolled/attended 3 = Did not complete File 4 = Determined Ineligible with no need 5 = Eligible with complete file after enrollment but no funds available 6 = Disqualified due to lack of satisfactory academic progress 7 = Other X = Unknown/Uncollected Financial Aid MIS Data 2017 FI Aid Student Demographics (SB)
The Chancellor’s Office MIS Database
Student Demographics (SB) Fin. Aid SF Applicant Data If SF01 = 1 FA Award Data FA Award Data FA Award Data FA Award Data
Financial Aid Reporting Domain: BOG Fee Waivers
MIS Data 2017 Report a BOG Fee Waiver for every student…(BOG’s are the only award that can be $0) Determined Eligible for a BOG Fee Waiver For Whom Fees were Assessed Attended at least one meeting a course for which fees were waived FI Aid Student Demographics (SB)
Financial Aid Reporting
Attendance VS. Enrollment The student must attend at least one meeting of a class during the term. Enrollment does not necessarily equate to actual attendance. Financial Aid MIS Data 2017 FI Student Demographics (SB) Enrollments (SX) Sections Courses
Financial Aid Reporting
Attendance VS. Enrollment Local Enrollment Record Generated when a student enrolls in a class Attendance Student attends the class(es) for which they enrolled State Enrollment Record Generated only if the student attends the class(es) past first census date or received 1 hour positive attendance or resulted in mark on transcript. Financial Aid MIS Data 2017 FI Student Demographics (SB) Enrollments (SX) Sections Courses
Financial Aid Reporting
MIS Data 2017 Summer BOG fee waivers are always reported as "leaders" not “trailers” BOG fee waiver may be awarded as a trailer (trailing summer) but reported as a leader (leading summer) Any award other than BOG fee waivers can be a “leader” for one student and a “trailer” for another student FI Aid Student Demographics (SB) Title: Financial Aid Caveats Description: Edit Checks Location: eboard
Financial Aid Edit Checks
MIS Data 2017 Three (3) levels of edit checks are required for financial aid data. The level of edit checks to be used is determined by the type of award(s) that a student receives. The multi-level edit approach is required because the type of award determines how much information a college’s financial aid office must collect from a student. Group A awards have the most strenuous checks and Group C awards the least strenuous checks FI Aid Student Demographics (SB) Student Demographics (SB)
Financial Aid Award Types
Common Errors Financial Aid – August 24, 2017
Common Errors Student Id has never been reported to MIS
Not enrolled during term award was received Awards received but SF01 not = 1 SF01 = 1 but no awards found Award received but no applicant record BOGW reported as a trailing summer term award Title: Error 1 Description: Cause Location: eboard
“Student Id has never been reported to MIS”
Cause: Student Id is not in CCCCO MIS Database Solution: Generate a SB record for the student. Resubmit the term-end data. Resubmit the financial aid data Title: Error 1 Description: Cause Location: eboard
Financial Aid & the Student ID
MIS Data 2017 Many Financial Aid errors are related to problems with the Student Identifier (SB00) SB00 reported in the SB file with the term data SB00 reported in the annual student files SSN updates are vital but timing is the key FI Aid Student Demographics (SB)
Student Identifier Updates
SI Updates must be applied before submitting Financial Aid Data Enrolls in Noncredit Enrolls in Credit Applies for FI Aid
“Not enrolled during term award was received”
Cause: Student Id (SB) was not submitted for the term that the award was received Solution: Determine the term(s) that the student received aid and generate a SB record for that term. Resubmit the term-end data. Resubmit the financial aid data. Title: Error 1 Description: Cause Location: eboard
“Awards received but SF01 not equal 1”
Cause: SF01 = 2 thru X which indicates that an award was not received, but award records have been submitted. Solution: 1. Determine if the student did indeed receive an award. 2. Modify the SF01 to equal 1 or delete the FA data. 3. Resubmit the financial aid data. Title: Error 3 Description: Cause Location: eboard
“SF01 = 1 But No Awards Found”
Cause: SF01 = 1 but no award records have been submitted. Solution: 1. Determine if the student did indeed receive an award. 2. Determine if the award record was deleted because of a syntactical or referential error. 3. Resubmit the financial aid data. Title: Error 3 Description: Cause Location: eboard
“BOGW Reported as a trailing summer term award”
Cause: Student award received term is trailing summer and award type is a BOGW Solution: Summer BOG fee waivers are always reported as "leaders" not “trailers” Resubmit the financial aid data. Title: Error 1 Description: Cause Location: eboard
Reviewing Financial Aid Data
Financial Aid – August 24, 2017
Finding and Accessing Reports
Analysis Report Reports for will be available at: No user logon/password required Data available from to present
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