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The Lottery Rose Vocabulary Chapter 1-4.

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1 The Lottery Rose Vocabulary Chapter 1-4

2 burrowed to make a hole or passage in, into, or under something

3 impudent cocky boldness or disregard of others

4 wistfully feeling of longing or yearning. A sad remembering.

5 swayed To move or swing from side to side, to be off balance.

6 fretfully likely to worry

7 tolerated to allow something to be or be done without making a move to stop it

8 Irk to make weary, irritated, or bored

9 sheepishly embarrassed especially over being found out in a fault, to act shy

10 parched deprived of natural moisture, thirsty

11 shrill having a sharp high sound

12 Imploring to call upon with a humble request

13 monstrosity Shockingly hideous or frightful. Exceptionally large

14 sly Crafty or cunning

15 meekly Showing patience and humility; gentle; quiet without drawing attention to

16 Fury Violent anger; rage

17 indifferently Having no particular interest or concern. Having no marked feeling for or against

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