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The Power of Optimal Arousal

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1 The Power of Optimal Arousal
Chapter 21

2 If you are too relaxed, you do not perform to your capabilities
If you are too pumped-up, you do not perform well The Inverted U

3 Research shows that poor performances are cause by being too pumped-up rather than too relaxed.
The Inverted U

4 Optimal Level The optimal level differs for every sport
Fine motor vs. gross motor Name some sports … Optimal Level

5 The higher the skill level learned, the more pumped-up a player may become
For beginners, it is important to focus on the skill set rather than emotions Athlete’s Skill Level

6 Controlling your levels
Get in the habit of checking your body Pay attention to breathing, thoughts, movements, words Controlling your levels

7 Decreasing over-arousal
Relaxation techniques learned in Chapter 19. These are especially good for the night before and during the day. Slow down your warm-up Mentally downplay the importance of the performance Change your focus - redirect Decreasing over-arousal

8 Increasing your arousal
10 Psyching-up Strategies Page 192 Increasing your arousal

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