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Sexuality Through the Lifespan

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Presentation on theme: "Sexuality Through the Lifespan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexuality Through the Lifespan

2 Early Childhood (birth-3yrs.)
Learns about love and trust through touching and holding Sucking (need for oral satisfaction) Boys: erections of penis Girls: vaginal lubrication Gender identity develops (child knows “I am boy” or “I am girl”)

3 Early Childhood cont. Sex role conditioning (boys/girls treated differently) Exploration of own body (hands, feet, genitals, etc.) Toilet training Curiosity about differences between boys’ and girls’ bodies Curiosity about parents’ bodies

4 Late Childhood (4-8yrs.) Childhood sexual play (i.e. doctor)
Sex role learning: how to behave like a boy or girl Learns sex words: “bathroom vocabulary” Asks questions about pregnancy and birth Begins to distinguish acceptable and not acceptable behavior Possibility of masturbation

5 Late Childhood cont. Becomes modest about own body
Media influences understanding of male/female family roles

6 Early Adolescence (9-11yrs.)
Puberty begins (growth of genitals, breast development, etc.) Possibility of masturbation Closeness of same sex friends Possibility of body exploration with others Possibility of menarche

7 Adolescence (12-18 yrs.) Pubertal changes occur
Menstruation or sperm production Possibility of masturbation Pleasure from kissing and petting Greater awareness of being attracted to people of same sex, opposite or both Possibility of sexual intercourse or outercourse

8 Adolescence cont. Possibility of pregnancy or impregnating
Possibility of contraception and “safe- sex” decisions Strong need for independence

9 Young Adulthood (19-30yrs)
Possibility of intercourse or outercourse Possibility of mate selection Decision making about partnerships, marriage, family life and careers Possibility of masturbation

10 Young Adulthood cont. Possibility of pregnancy, childbirth and parenting Possibility of contraception and safer-sex decisions Possibility of ending a relationship

11 Adult (31-45 yrs) Possibility of intercourse or outercourse
Possibility of mate selection Maintaining relationships Possibility of masturbation Possibility of parenting responsibilities (sex ed.of own children)

12 Adult cont. Possibility of pregnancy and childbirth
Decision making about contraception and safer-sex Possibility of grand parenting Possibility of ending a relationship

13 Adult (46-64) Menopause Possibility of grand parenting
Possibility of intercourse or outercourse Possibility of mate selection Possibility of masturbation Possibility of contraception and safer-sex decisions Possibility of divorce or death of a loved one

14 Adult (65-death) Body still responds sexually, but more slowly
Possibility of grand parenting Need for physical affection Possibility of masturbation Possibility of mate selection Possibility of death of a loved one

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