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Warm Up: What is government? Brainstorm as many words as you can think of! Based on the words you wrote down, come up with a definition of government.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: What is government? Brainstorm as many words as you can think of! Based on the words you wrote down, come up with a definition of government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: What is government? Brainstorm as many words as you can think of! Based on the words you wrote down, come up with a definition of government. In your opinion, what is the purpose of government?

2 Government: Any group of people living together in a country, state, city, or local community live by certain rules. The system of rules and the people who make and administer them is known as a government.

3 What type of government should the United States adopt?
Today’s Question: What type of government should the United States adopt?

4 Agenda: Class Discussion: Types of government
Video: Types of government Journal Entry: What type of government should the U.S. adopt? Early government Vocab


6 What are some types of government?

7 Monarchy: Ruled by a single person: __________ and/or __________.
They rule for life

8 Monarchy The job of ruling is passed down to their heirs (children)
A traditional monarchy is where the ruler has ultimate power Throughout history, monarchs have declared their “divine right” to rule.

9 Dictatorship: __________ person has all the power and makes all the decisions. Leader has not been elected and uses force to keep _____________.

10 Dictatorship:

11 Oligarchy: A small group of people have control over the ________.

12 Oligarchy: The wealthiest members of society are in charge.

13 Anarchy: _________ Government. No one is in ____________.

14 Anarchy:

15 Democracy: Government is elected by the _____________.
Everyone over a certain age is able to __________ and has a say in who is elected to lead.

16 Democracy:

17 Republic: People vote on ________ to represent them.

18 Republic:

19 Video Clip: At the bottom of your paper, write down one fact about each type of government mentioned in the video.

20 Journal Entry: Write at least a half a page journaling your thoughts on this question: Which type of government should the new country of the United States adopt?

21 Early Government Vocab:
Read each question carefully, draw a picture to help you understand its meaning.

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