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2017 Solar eclipse an animated up-close look at Alabama’s vantage and an animated Pathway over the United States.

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Presentation on theme: "2017 Solar eclipse an animated up-close look at Alabama’s vantage and an animated Pathway over the United States."— Presentation transcript:

1 2017 Solar eclipse an animated up-close look at Alabama’s vantage and an animated Pathway over the United States

2 So what is going to happen August 21st 2017?
The image on the right shows a path of totality. If you live within this path you are in the umbra shadow of the moon! That means if you are within this path, you will see a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE. The rest of the US will see only a partial solar eclipse.

3 Alabama’s Vantage of the Solar Eclipse

4 Alabama’s Vantage of the Solar Eclipse

Umbral Path over continental United States to completion (Play Link) Play videos: (Path across Continental USA and then Path across Atlantic Ocean) Note the change in the Umbral shape as it moves from start on continental US to completion in Ocean.

6 Interested in learning more about this year’s total and partial solar eclipse in the US?
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