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Water Potential Learning Targets

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Presentation on theme: "Water Potential Learning Targets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Potential Learning Targets I can explain what water potential is and how it is impacted by Ψs and Ψp. I can design an experiment to determine the concentration of solutes in a living cell. Ψ =Ψs +Ψp Ψ s= -iCRT

2 Water potential Solute potentinal of pure water is 0
As solutes are added to water what happens to the solute potential? Pressure potential does not exist in animal cells, what structure provides this in plant cells?

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4 Potato cells in pure water…

5 Plant cell in a solution with solutes…
What happened to the plant cell after it was placed in this solution?

6 Solute potential = -iCRT
Inside cell: i = 2 (Na and Cl ions both form in solution) C = 0.15M R = liter bars/moles K T = = 298K -7.4 bars Outside cell ; All is the same except for C = 0.1M -4.9 bars Water moves from higher water potential to lower water potential….therefore it moves into the cell. +2.5 bars

7 How will you determine the solute potential of your potato cells?

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