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Bell Work 1. Name the 5 causes of World War I. (don’t use your notes)

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work 1. Name the 5 causes of World War I. (don’t use your notes)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work 1. Name the 5 causes of World War I. (don’t use your notes)
Don’t forget to write down the question or incorporate into your response. Use complete sentences. 1. Name the 5 causes of World War I. (don’t use your notes)

2 (what happened after Assassination)
World War I Flow Chart On a separate sheet of paper, create a flow chart that explains the causes of WWI. For each box, write a 1-2 sentence explanation of how that factor set the stage for WWI. Think what order they should go in – if one thing leads to the next, what (what happened after Assassination) World War I

3 Reflection Question Looking at the events that caused WWI, who do you think is mostly to blame for causing the war? Is anyone to blame? Explain your answer. (3-5 sentences) Write your answer to this question on the same paper as the flow chart

4 The Royal Family

5 Czar Nicholas II Russia Cousin of Kaiser Wilhelm
Also wanted control over the Balkans region of Europe Moves troops to the German border while preparing for war with Austria

6 Kaiser Wilhelm II Germany
Wants to show the world Germany’s military strength Declares war on Russia and France after Russia mobilizes its’ troops

7 The Nicky Willy Telegrams
Read each of the Telegrams between Tsar Nicolas and Kaiser Wilhelm Annotate on the margins Circle unknown vocabulary Highlight important information Summarize & question

8 Glossary Calamity – Disaster Gravest – most serious Dastardly – dishonorable Territorial conquests – taking over land Jeopardize – endanger Grave – serious Preventive – cautionary Avert – avoid Obligatory – required

9 Learning goals: Identify Willy & Nicky Understand their relationship
Analyze their role in the start of WWI

10 The Nicky Willy Telegrams
Answer the guiding questions on the worksheet provided in complete sentences. Using the information from the guiding questions, write a 3-5 sentence explanation of who was more to blame for causing Germany and Russia to go to war

11 Inquiry Question: Who is most to blame for causing a World War?

12 Bell Work Don’t forget to write down the question or incorporate into your response. Use complete sentences. 1. Based on the telegrams, who seems more responsible for Germany declaring War on Russia?

13 Discussion Have you ever heard of the term propaganda?
What is it? And What is used for? What are modern day examples of propaganda?

14 What is propaganda? “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.” -google definition “ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc.” -Mirriam-Webster

15 In your notes… - Propaganda is media that uses carefully-crafted messages to manipulate people’s actions and beliefs. It has one purpose: to persuade you.

16 WWI Poster 3,000,000 Belgians are destitute in Belgium
WWI Poster 3,000,000 Belgians are destitute in Belgium. They must not starve. Support the local fund. LOC Summary: Poster showing a woman in a helmet (Minerva, personification of Britain?) caring for a mother and children.

17 WWI Poster Irish World War I recruiting poster
WWI Poster Irish World War I recruiting poster. Poster showing a family at home, surprised by German soldiers bearing bayonets. Text reads: "Is YOUR home worth fighting for? It will be too late to fight when the enemy is at your door so JOIN TO-DAY"

18 WWI Poster London opinion "Your country needs you"
WWI Poster London opinion "Your country needs you". LOC Summary: Facial view of Lord Kitchener with his arm and fingers pointing at the viewer.

19 Stalemate- a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible
A situation in which further action is blocked; a deadlock

20 Learning goals: 1. Understand the goals of the Schlieffen Plan.
2. Identify the reasons for its failure. 3. Analyze how the failure of the Schlieffen Plan contributed to the stalemate and widening of WWI.


22 Learning goals: 1. Understand the organization and conditions of the trenches during WWI.

23 Trench Warfare First major trench lines- completed Nov. 1914
Extended nearly 400 miles 6,250 miles by end of 1914 (all allies combined)

24 Organization of the trenches
Allies used 4 types: Front-line (firing & attack) Support trench (men & supplies to assist) Reserve trench (men & supplies for emergencies)-dug hundred yards back Connecting trenches were communication trenches (messages, supplies, men) German trenches- more sophisticated (electricity, beds, toilets, more than 50 ft below)


26 Morale booster On avg. British lost 7,000 everyday
To keep soldiers fresh as much as possible -3 week rotation schedule Front -> support -> reserve trench 3rd week- men played sports, relaxed, etc.

27 No man’s land Territory between the trenches
Marked w/ huge craters from shelling Filled w/ barbed wire to slow down advances by enemy


29 Timing of movements at the front
Attacks took place before dawn or at dawn Poison gas attacks more effective in morning At sundown soldiers-conducted raids, eavesdrop, investigated layouts

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