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December 10: Board Meeting

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1 December 10: Board Meeting
Scyene Important Dates News from the Cafeteria Mrs. Lozano National School Lunch Week October !!! The Magic is in the Teaching: We are on Course for Distinction!!! From the Curriculum Director’s Desk: Dear families, I wanted to first and foremost thank all of you for a successful three weeks! The students have been working hard and we are grateful to have such amazing group of students! We have just completed our assessment to getting to know where your students are to make sure they succeed to the end. Everything we do is designed to develop the academic, social, and emotional skills needed to be successful in your child world. We will work hard to develop strong relationships with all students and their families. We look forward to working with you this school year! Ms. Washington, M.Ed.-Curriculum Director Hello from Campus Administration We want to thank our parents, students, and staff for such a great start to the school year and encourage you to continue the outstanding focus on student learning! Nova Academy is still accepting enrollment for Pre-K-3rd grade. To enroll in the pre-kindergarten program, a child must be at least 4 years of age on or before September 1. Thank you, Ms. Samuels * aa3: *PTO Meeting: /04 Celebration Station 10/04 Technology Day: /06 Pre-K-3 Field Trip /07 Report Cards Issued 10/12 Fair Day /14 Early Release /21 Progress Reports /28 Birthday Celebrations 10/28 ued December 10: Board Meeting Staff Development January 7,2014: Classes resume 4 Board of Directors: Ms. Donna Houston-Woods, Chair Ms. Sandra Nickerson, Secretary Mr. C.W. Whitaker, Parliamentarian Mr. Gregory Carter, Member Ms. Aiesha Redmond, Member Ms. KrisSandra Demus, Member Mr. Calvin White, Member Ms. Hilda Walker, Member Mr. Terrance Sauls, Member Get Connected and Stay Informed Follow us for the latest updates GO LIKE OUR PAGE Principals’ Corner We are off to a great start this school year. Our students are acclimated to the new year’s routines and procedures and are making great strides into their academic program. We have established a safe and orderly environment where all students and staff can work and achieve the school’s mission and creed. We will diligently execute our responsibility to achieve great success at Nova Academy Scyene. Thanks again for choosing Nova! B. Henderson, M. Ed. Principal I

2 A special note from the teachers! 
KC Dear parents: Math- we are reviewing and recognizing the numbers 1-20; we are also working with patterns. Reading- learning phonics and frequency words, adding to our word wall. ELA- writing simple sentences and using words from our word wall. Social Studies and Science- learning about different types of families, and the world around us. Ms. Taylor 1A Greetings Parents, This month in Reading we will be analyzing story structure, sequencing events and identifying character and setting. Identifying letter-sound correspondence, practicing decoding words and increasing our knowledge of sight words. In Language Arts we will be learning about word order and sentence punctuation. In spelling we will be word sorting with short a and short I, As always thank you for your continued support. Ms. McDowell  1B Greetings parents and students! In Math, we are learning about one and tens. In Social Studies, we are learning about communities. In Science, we are learning about senses. Ms. Felts 2A Greetings Parents; Reading- Character Traits /Genre Fiction stories English Language Arts- Nouns, Verbs, and identifying commands/Exclamation end mark Spelling- Vocabulary of the week, and identifying our long and short vowel sounds Math-Number operation(place value, fraction concept and problem solving) Social Studies(The World around us) Science- What makes up matter? Mrs. Carson 3A Grade Dear Parents, I’m very excited about teaching third-grade. The strategies we are using continue to be PLORE for reading. P –Predict, L-Locate, O-Organize, R-Read, Reread, and remember, E –Evaluate and Eliminate. For math the strategy is CUBES. C-circle all numbers, U-underline the question, B-Box in keywords, E-eliminate information that is not needed, S-solve by showing your work. Thank you so much for your support. Mrs. McLaurin ESL Mr. Bryan From: Coach Williams, P.E./Health Hello Parents Fall is upon us and each of my classes will be doing various physical activities including dancing, outdoor running, jumping rope, pushups, sit-ups, fitness games, aerobics, health and fitness testing. Please inform me of any current health issues with your child by providing me with the necessary documents or notes from you. Pre-K A and B Well Hello Parents, The ball in now rolling in the Pre-K classes. In ELA we are learning the letter Bb and it’s sound. In Math we are learning the number 2. It is going well and we appreciate your support. Ms. Saulsberry Mrs. Pleasant Mrs. Powers KA Greetings Parents, The year is off to a great start. KA is learning how to count, write and recognize their numbers from 1 to 5. In Reading they are learning how to respond to stories and how their hands can do so many things. In Social Studies we are learning what it is to have freedom in the great United States. Ms. Boyd KB Greetings Parents! Math-We are learning numbers 1 through 20 and counting with objects and manipulatives. Science-We are learning more about our five senses and why they are important. Reading/Language Arts- We have started daily journals to enhance and stimulate our critical thinking every morning. Ms. Shead

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