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Mrs. Teater 2nd Block Fall Semester 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Teater 2nd Block Fall Semester 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Teater 2nd Block Fall Semester 2014
STABLE MANAGEMENT Mrs. Teater 2nd Block Fall Semester 2014

2 First Things First… Welcome !
Be prepared to work hard, have some fun, and learn bunches!! Class will meet here Mon, Wed &Fri. On Tues. and Thurs. we will travel to Asbury Farm Beginning hopefully next week Attendance is essential – this is a performance based class

3 Getting Started… In the first five minutes: Gather materials
Get your folder and paper Have pen / pencil ready Have a seat Check board for POD Do not ask what we are doing today until you have read POD first Complete opener if one is posted

4 Class Time Attending skills Accountability
Listen carefully to all instructions Ask for clarification at any time afterwards Accountability Do your own work Keep all graded work in your folder…I could make a mistake entering grades

5 Whats New?? Focus room: 1 voluntary focus room per day
You will complete a processing sheet for Ms.Clift Cell phones will be turned in as you go into focus Process points: Return to original format of process point sheet Tardiness, redirects will result in a loss of 5 points each You will take your point sheet home with you at end of the day

6 Class Time… Music may play during independent work time only if I play it from my computer No personal media No music from student computers Rocking chair is by permission only.

7 Respect … Use your discovery skills: 6 p’s Dignity and respect
To each other To the classroom To the school To the farm Attending skills

8 Respect in the Classroom…
Remove headphones Cell phones are not in use unless permission is granted for educational use only If ABSOLUTE emergency, ask to step into hallway Be in the moment Head up Engagement Participation

9 Leaving the classroom…
10 – 10 rule applies! Restroom –please use before class Administrator / Counselor Have appt. made If no appt, I will call to set one up for you Focus Wait for a note on your process point sheet If you need to, please wait in hallway for your note

10 Drills… Fire: Exit classroom to the right through double doors at end of hallway Proceed as a group to pavillion Tornado: Go to hallway and sit quietly facing the wall Lockout: Door is locked, but instruction does not stop Lockdown: When door is locked, and shades pulled, sit on floor by tall black cabinet and smart board.

11 End of Class… Put all materials away neatly in their proper place.
Books, folders, notebooks Borrowed pencils returned Turn in assignments to your classes tray Return to seat Once everyone is seated, process points will be signed, and you will be dismissed.

12 Travel Days… Be dressed and ready to go to the farm (appropriate attire – no sagging pants!) Promptly go to lobby at end of third block to get on bus to go to farm All classroom procedures remain constant


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