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Major Depression by:Xiomara Perez & Diana Ortega

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1 Major Depression by:Xiomara Perez & Diana Ortega

2 What is Major Depression?
Major depression- is a medical illness that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest It is also called major depressive disorder and clinical depression

3 symptoms Feeling of sadness
Irritability or frustration over small matters Changes in appetite Restlessness ex. An inability to sit still Slowed thinking, speaking , body movement Frequent thoughts of death , dying or suicide Crying spells for no reason Anxiety , anger and avoidance of social interaction

4 Theories Depression is a result of unfortunate experiences or circumstances Depression is caused by certain ways of thinking or approaches to life Depression is a medical disease, caused by a hormonal or neurochecmical imbalance

5 Treatments Different types of antidepressants
Psychotherapy (counseling, or psychosocial) Electroconvulsive therapy (electrical currents are passed through the brain) Hospitalization and residential treatment programs

6 Facts #1 the psychological disorder in the western world
Growing in all age groups especially in teens Up to 80% of suicide deaths are suffers of major depression nearly twice as many women as men are affected by a depressive disorder each year Celebrities : Jim Carry, Owen Wilson, J.K. Rowling

7 Resources

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