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War of 1812 PowerPoint © Kara Lee.

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1 War of 1812 PowerPoint © Kara Lee

2 Trouble with Britain In the 1800s, conflicts between America and Britain began to increase again. James Madison was president at the time and Britain was currently at war with France. Both President Madison and Thomas Jefferson wanted the United States to stay neutral or not take sides during that war. Americans were currently trading with both France and Britain, and they didn’t want this to stop. © Kara Lee

3 Trouble with Britain Conflicts with Britain and America began to arise though, and Britain made America their enemy. Britain’s navy was very powerful at this time, but lots of British sailors were working on American ships because it paid them better. British officers began to raid these American ships to look for their British sailors. Occasionally they would capture American sailors instead. They would make these American sailors serve in the British navy. The term for this is impressment. © Kara Lee

4 War Hawks A group of men from Congress decided they wanted to go to war against Britain in 1810. This group of people called themselves War Hawks. Hawks are aggressive birds, and the War Hawks were angry with what the British were doing to their sailors. © Kara Lee

5 Treaties Remember, the United States had made agreements that stated that they would stay off of the lands where the American Indians were living. The Americans were not keeping this promise, and American settlers were moving onto the land. In turn, Americans were currently in disagreements with American Indians because of this. Americans believed that the British who were living in Canada may have been providing these American Indians with weapons. © Kara Lee

6 War of 1812 On June 18, 1812, American was officially at war with Britain. The reasons for starting the war included: Stop impressment of soldiers Keep Britain from helping American Indians who were fighting against American settlers Drive the British out of Canada and hopefully gain more land © Kara Lee

7 Burning of the White House
In August of 1814, the British troops attacked Washington DC and burned down the White House, Capitol, and other important buildings. © Kara Lee

8 Francis Scott Key During the War of 1812, a lawyer named Francis Scott Key, was watching a battle between the British and Americans. During the battle, he noticed that the American flag was still flying high over Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor. He was inspired by this and wrote a poem titled “The Star-Spangled Banner”. This poem was later put to music and became the nation’s national anthem. © Kara Lee

9 End of the War The war lasted from 1812-1814.
In the end, neither the British nor the Americans won the war, so they agreed to end it. The Treaty of Ghent was signed stating that neither side owned any new land. Things were returned to the way they were before the war. © Kara Lee

10 Pride in America After the war, there was a sense of peace and prosperity (economic success and security) in America. This Period was known as “The Era of Good Feelings”. Nationalism is when people are devoted to their country. The War of 1812 provided a sense of nationalism in America. © Kara Lee

11 Terms of Use Thank you for downloading my War of 1812 PowerPoint. I hope that you enjoy using it as a valuable resource in your classroom! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. My is ©Kara Lee 2014 This resource entitles you to single classroom use only. Please do not share with grade level teams or district wide or post/resell any part of this resource. If you would like to share this resource with others, please purchase multiple licenses. I’d love to hear your feedback!

12 Fonts and Clipart Credit
Fonts: Clipart: Backgrounds: Houghton Mifflin Social Studies United States History Early Years: Georgia Textbook was used to referenced to assist with information

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