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Jeopardy pnality classify depression schizo yomamma Q $100 Q $100

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1 Jeopardy pnality classify depression schizo yomamma Q $100 Q $100
Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Insurance won’t cover treatment if the disorder is not listed in this book.

3 $100

4 $200 These are the two MAJOR classifications of disorders

5 $200 Psychotic and Neurotic

6 Depressions are classified this way.
$300 Depressions are classified this way.

7 $300 Mood disorders

8 These disorders are psychiatric that lead to physical symptoms.
$400 These disorders are psychiatric that lead to physical symptoms.

9 $400 somatoform

10 $500 Narcissism, avoidant, schizoid, histrionic, borderline are this type of disorder.

11 $500 Personality

12 $100 This personality disorder leads to an inflated sense of self importance

13 $100

14 $200 Which personality disorder?

15 $200 Avoidant PD

16 $300 Excessive need for attention and drama. Which PD?

17 $300 histrionic

18 $400 Which personality disorder?

19 $400 borderline

20 $500 Breaks law often Repeatedly lies a lot for personal gain
reckless disregard for safety of self or others; consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations; lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another; Which personality disorder?

21 $500 antisocial

22 100 This depression has cycles of mania and depression.

23 bipolar $100

24 200 This is the fancy name for winter blues.

25 $200 Seasonal Affective Disorder

26 300 Lacking this neurotransmitter is associated with depression.

27 Serotonin and norepinephrine
$300 Serotonin and norepinephrine

28 $400 This brain scan would be useful for studying serotonin in the brain.

29 400

30 500 If you have a mild depression for every
day for two years, you have this mood disorder

31 $500 disthymia

32 $100 When a schizophrenic thinks everyone is out to get them, they are being _____.

33 $100 paranoid

34 $200 This type of schizophrenia has people frozen for long periods or repeating a phrase..

35 $200 catatonic

36 $300 These are 3 causes of schizophrenia.

37 300 Excess of dopamine Large ventricles in brain genetics

38 400 These are the symptoms of schizophrenia

39 $400 Delusions Hallucinations (audial and visual) Paranoia catatonia

40 $500 Schizophrenics should see this type of psyotherapist for antipsychotic medication.

41 psychiatrist $500

42 $100 When a behavior or thought begins to interfere with your life in a negative way, it is said to be _____

43 $100 maladaptive

44 This classification of disorders
$200 This classification of disorders Involves a “separation” of oneself from reality

45 Dissociative disorders
$200 Dissociative disorders

46 This is the difference between anorexia and bulimia.
$300 This is the difference between anorexia and bulimia.

47 $300 Anorexia bulimia

48 Phobias, OCD and PTSD are classified as this type of disorder
$400 Phobias, OCD and PTSD are classified as this type of disorder

49 $400 anxiety

50 This is the excessive fear of open spaces.
$500 This is the excessive fear of open spaces.

51 $500 agoraphobia

52 Final Jeopardy

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Who is Tolstoy? (The book is Kingdom of God)

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