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Vehicle Tracking System & IoT VAMOSYS – Vehicle Advanced Monitoring System.

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Presentation on theme: "Vehicle Tracking System & IoT VAMOSYS – Vehicle Advanced Monitoring System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vehicle Tracking System & IoT VAMOSYS – Vehicle Advanced Monitoring System

2 What is IoT? Simply put, the concept of connecting the Internet to any device which has an on and off switch is bound to be as Internet of Things, a.k.a IoT.

3 Why IoT? -The concept of IoT keeps a track on the data in and around them, as in, the usage and environment, etc. -Collecting and sharing this data to improve the efficiency of a respective product and eventually making life easy. -Helps in maximising profits, minimising costs.

4 Where is it used? Things/Objects/Devices of all shapes and sizes includes the extraordinary range of products functioning under the concept of IoT. A few examples: Vending Machine, GPS Tracking, Fitness Tracking DevicesGPS Tracking Autonomous Cars

5 IoT in Sports -The concept of IoT in sports is also prominent and growing everyday. IoT in sports - GPS induced equipments are used to record the stats to analyse and improve their performance.GPS -Fundamentally, in this day and age the concept of IoT is almost everywhere around us to make our lives efficient.

6 IoT in vehicle tracking Currently IoT in vehicle tracking bases on 3 main technologies. -RFID (Radio frequency identification)RFID (Radio frequency identification) -GPS (Global Positioning System) -OBD II (On-board diagnostics)

7 How does IoT work? ●Objects and devices with sensors built in them connect to an Internet of Things platform. ●Devices merges data and applies analytics to designate the most productive info. ●The least productive info is ignored ●The accumulated data is analysed in detail. ●Suggestions are made to increase the efficiency. ●Solutions are applied, to make life around easy.

8 IoT elsewhere IoT in everyday households, aims to make your lifestyle efficient. IoT in workplaces aims to increase the productivity of the employees. IoT is vehicle tracking and vehicle monitoring is also prominent and growing.vehicle tracking and vehicle monitoring

9 It’s Here! IoT has been around for a while now, and it will continue to impact our lives (hopefully for the good). For all those businesses existing already as well as the ones up-and-coming, this is a common platform about which one has to be aware of.

10 Thank You

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