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a rule of conduct or action

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1 a rule of conduct or action
Precept a rule of conduct or action

2 Beneficial, helpful, healthy, wholesome
Salutary Beneficial, helpful, healthy, wholesome

3 bitterly severe, withering; causing great harm
Scathing bitterly severe, withering; causing great harm For those of you who would give a scathing review of math.

4 to whip, punish, cause suffering, criticism
Scourge to whip, punish, cause suffering, criticism

5 funereal, typical of the tomb; extremely gloomy or dismal
Sepulchral funereal, typical of the tomb; extremely gloomy or dismal

6 to cause sleep, relating to sleepiness ; something that includes sleep
Soporific to cause sleep, relating to sleepiness ; something that includes sleep

7 Straitlaced strict in regard to moral standards and conduct; prudish and puritanical

8 lasting only a short time fleeting, one who stays only a short time
Transient lasting only a short time fleeting, one who stays only a short time

9 not easily carried, handled, or managed because of size or complexity
Unwieldy not easily carried, handled, or managed because of size or complexity

10 Vapid dull, uninteresting, tiresome, lacking sharpness, flavor, liveliness or force

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