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OPTIMA OPTical data Modelling and Assimilation Stefano Ciavatta

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1 OPTIMA OPTical data Modelling and Assimilation Stefano Ciavatta
OPTIMA OPTical data Modelling and Assimilation Stefano Ciavatta Kick-off video meeting, Plymouth/Toulouse, 5th April 2018

2 Team Stefano Ciavatta (Project & PML PI) David Ford (Met Office PI)
Marine ecosystem modeller, data assimilation: management & R&D David Ford (Met Office PI) Marine modeller, data assimilation system, reanalysis simulation Jorn Bruggeman (PML CO-I) Marine ecosystem modeller: optical model development Robert Brewin (PML CO-I) Earth observation scientist, PFT absorption algorithm & time series Jozef Skakala (PML CO-I) Marine modeller, data assimilation system, reanalysis simulation Timothy Smyth (PML CO-I) Marine Biogeochemistry and Ocean observations: optical in situ data Ben Taylor (PML CO-I) Remote sensing analyst, operationalization of PFT abs production Stephanie Dutkiewicz – External Expert; Principal Research Center for Global Change Science, MIT. IOCCG

3 Context Oxygen deficient
Prediction of biogeochemical indicators is essential for marine protection, end-user applications, marine policy implementation …. And for CMEMS’ goal ! Oxygen deficient Ciavatta et al., JGR, 2016

4 But did not improve the PFT succession
Context Kd(443) diffuse light attenuation coefficient SeaWiFS; Lee et al., JGR, 2005a CDOM Phytopl Bacteria Zoopl Kd Lee et al., JGR, 2005b POC Ciavatta et al., PiO, 2014 Shulman et al., JGR 2013: phytoplank absorption Jones et al, Biogeoscience, 2016 : rs reflectance But did not improve the PFT succession

5 But no feed-backs on under-water light field
Context TOSCA – Assimilation of PFT chlorophyll But no feed-backs on under-water light field

6 Objective Optical DA: Cool, but did not improve the PFT succession
PFT Chlorophyll DA: Cool, but did not improve the under-water light field Optical DA: Cool, but did not improve the PFT succession Hyp: PFT optical DA will improve PFT succession & light field, therefore biogeochemistry at once

7 Altogether! Structure & methods NEMOVar Tasks Methods
Brewin et al., 2011, 2017 Ciavatta et al., 2014 Butenschon et al., 2016 Bruggeman, J. & Bolding, K., 2014 NEMOVar 3D-VAR First-Guess—At-Appropriate-Time Log-transformation Incremental Analysis Update; Waters et al., 2015; Skakala et al., in review T1. Regional algorithm from PFT absorption from ocean colour Brewin, Taylor, Smyth T2. To implement and validate a spectral bio-optical model Bruggeman, Ciavatta Milestone: TS of PFT abs data T3. To develop a data assimilation system for optical data Ford, Skakala T4. Reanalysis simulation and validation by using in situ data Skakala, Ford, Ciavatta

8 Structure & outputs to CMEMS
Tasks Outputs T1. Regional algorithm from PFT absorption from ocean colour Brewin, Taylor, Smyth Capability for production of PFT abs in CMEMS OCTAC ATL region Capability of spectral optical modelling in CMEMS MFC NWS T2. To implement and validate a spectral bio-optical model Bruggeman, Ciavatta Milestone: TS of PFT abs data T3. To develop a data assimilation system for optical data Ford, Skakala Capability for DA of PFT absorption in CMEMS MFC NWS T4. Reanalysis simulation and validation by using in situ data Skakala, Ford, Ciavatta Quality evaluation & Ocean state assessment

9 Risk plan Tasks Risk / fix
T1. Regional algorithm from PFT absorption from ocean colour Brewin, Taylor, Smyth Poor regional tuning/ Global parameterization Ciavatta 2014 is “old”/ Gradual development & update or focus on PAR T2. To implement and validate a spectral bio-optical model Bruggeman, Ciavatta Milestone: TS of PFT abs data T3. To develop a data assimilation system for optical data Ford, Skakala No-assim var degraded/ Out of analysis or PAR T4. Reanalysis simulation and validation by using in situ data Skakala, Ford, Ciavatta No-assim var degraded/ Focus on PAR

10 Timeline

11 Deliverables

12 Budget

13 Improved satisfaction of a larger number of CMEMS users
Impact and relevance of the project for CMEMS Responses to CMEMS R&D challenges Modelling Monitoring Upgraded Assimilation system Novel system for reprocessed and NRT data of PFT absorption Improved simulation of biogeochemical indicators …thus contributing to the CMEMS goal, i.e. “to provide regular and systematic reference information on the physical state, variability and dynamics of the ocean and marine ecosystems for the global ocean and the European regional seas.” Improved satisfaction of a larger number of CMEMS users

14 Impact and relevance of the project for CMEMS
Responses to CMEMS R&D challenges Modelling Monitoring Upgraded Assimilation system Novel system for reprocessed and NRT data of PFT absorption Improved simulation of biogeochemical indicators OPTIMA contributes to the over-arching theme of R&D activity lot 2 “Biogeochemistry and ecosystem in the marine environment” of the call for tenders, covering the R&D area 5: “Modelling and data assimilation for marine ecosystems and biogeochemistry” defined in the “CMEMS SES: R&D Priorities-V3” document. In particular, OPTIMA tackles directly the “priority topic” “Relationship between optical properties and biomass for direct assimilation of optical properties into biogeochemical models” of lot 2,

15 Impact and & interaction with TACs and MFCs
Monitoring: Novel system for reprocessed and NRT data of PFT absorption OCTAC production unit at PML will implement the PFT model in reprocessing and NRT software for: Atlantic region (ATL), including NWS and IBI Global dataset (potential) & hold discussion for implementation in OCTAC Mediterranean

16 Upgraded assimilation system
Impact and & interaction with TACs and MFCs Upgraded assimilation system MFC NWS in strict collaboration NWS-METOFFICE-EXETER-UK (John Siddorn, Marina Tonani & CMEMS NOWMAPS team) Discuss portability to: - MFC MED using NEMO-BFM (MED-OGS-TRIESTE-IT) - MFC IBI using NEMO-PISCES (IBI-MERCATOR-TOULOUSE-FR) - MFC Global using NEMO-PISCES (GLO-MERCATOR-TOULOUSE-FR)

17 Modelling. Improved simulation of biogeochemical indicators
Impact and & interaction with TACs and MFCs Modelling. Improved simulation of biogeochemical indicators - Improvement and enrichment of CMEMS product portfolio - Reanalysis (1year) for ensemble Ocean State assessment

18 Dissemination CMEMS meetings and at regional training courses
2 peer-reviewed papers (e.g., J Geophys. Res.) 2 International conferences (e.g. EGU 019; Ocean Sciences 2020) International working groups (e.g. GODAE OceanView, IOOCG) PML and NCEO Communication Groups Ocean Sciences Meeting San Diego, California, USA February 16-21, 2020

19 Interaction with other projects

20 Thank you

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