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World War I and the Russian Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "World War I and the Russian Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I and the Russian Revolution
Mr. Williams 19th Century 1914 The Great War Pairs Peace Conference Russian Revolution $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 World War I and the Russian Revolution Final Jeopardy Lesson 7 Jeopardy Review Game

2 $100 Sharing the same culture, language, and history are all components of what ideology? Answer

3 Answer $100 Nationalism Home

4 What was Otto von Bismarck's policy?
$200 What was Otto von Bismarck's policy? Answer

5 Answer $200 Blood and Iron Home

6 $300 What does suffrage mean? Answer

7 Answer $300 The Right to Vote Home

8 Controlling another countries people and natural recourses is called?
$400 Controlling another countries people and natural recourses is called? Answer

9 Answer $400 Imperialism Home

10 $500 At the end of the 19th Century what were Great Britain, Prussia, France, Russia, and Austria-Hungary called? Answer

11 The Five Great European Powers
Answer $500 The Five Great European Powers Home

12 $100 What is it called when two or more countries from an agreement to support one another? Answer

13 Answer $100 Alliance Home

14 Who assassinated the Archduke Francis Ferdinand?
$200 Who assassinated the Archduke Francis Ferdinand? Answer

15 Answer $200 Gavrilo Princip Home

16 Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire were called?
$300 Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire were called? Answer

17 Answer $300 The Central Powers Home

18 What is another word for conscription?
$400 What is another word for conscription? Answer

19 Answer $400 A Draft Home

20 Hostile song about another nation are called?
$500 Hostile song about another nation are called? Answer

21 Answer $500 Jingoism Home

22 The style of fighting on the Western Front was called?
$100 The style of fighting on the Western Front was called? Answer

23 Answer $100 Trench Warfare Home

24 What naval tactic is used to stop supplies from reaching a country?
$200 What naval tactic is used to stop supplies from reaching a country? Answer

25 Answer $200 Blockade Home

26 How much do you wish to wager?
Daily Double!!! How much do you wish to wager?

27 The Plan used by Germany to attack France was called?
Daily Double The Plan used by Germany to attack France was called?

28 Daily Double Answer The Schlieffen Plan

29 $400 Where did the major victory for the Germans against the Russians occur? Answer

30 Answer $400 Tannenberg Home

31 $500 The Battles of Verdun and the Somme are examples of what type of warfare? Answer

32 Answer $500 Attrition Home

33 The fighting on the Western Front ended on?
$100 The fighting on the Western Front ended on? Answer

34 Answer $100 November 11, 1918 Home

35 $200 What was the name of the treaty that ended Russia’s involvement in the war? Answer

36 The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Answer $200 The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Home

37 What is a halt in fighting during a was is called?
$300 What is a halt in fighting during a was is called? Answer

38 Answer $300 Armistice Home

39 What was the name of Germany’s new government in 1918?
$400 What was the name of Germany’s new government in 1918? Answer

40 Answer $400 The Weimar Republic Home

41 In the Treaty of Versailles, Article 231 is known as the?
$500 In the Treaty of Versailles, Article 231 is known as the? Answer

42 Answer $500 War Guilt Clause Home

43 Who was the monk that claimed he could cure hemophilia?
$100 Who was the monk that claimed he could cure hemophilia? Answer

44 Answer $100 Gregory Rasputin Home

45 What was the Russian provisional government called
$200 What was the Russian provisional government called Answer

46 Answer $200 Duma Home

47 What side won the Russian Civil War?
$300 What side won the Russian Civil War? Answer

48 Answer $300 The Reds or (Soviets) Home

49 What form of government was created in Russia after the civil war?
$400 What form of government was created in Russia after the civil war? Answer

50 Answer $400 Communist Home

51 What did Lenin promise the Russian people?
$500 What did Lenin promise the Russian people? Answer

52 Answer $500 Peace, Land, Bread Home

53 How much do you wish to wager?
Final Jeopardy Topic: How much do you wish to wager?

54 What were the two reasons why America entered the war?

55 The sinking of the Lusitania
Answer The sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman note

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