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Evolutionary Traits October 28 & 29.

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1 Evolutionary Traits October 28 & 29

2 Offspring that inherit a helpful adaptation have a better chance of surviving than those that do not inherit the trait. Natural Selection

3 Over many generations, helpful traits may become more common within a population and unhelpful traits may become less common. When the traits of an entire population change over several generations, this is called evolution. Evolution

4 In many species, females prefer to mate with brighter males, so they will tend to evolve brighter colors. Examples: Guppies and poison dart frogs The most likely cause for animals to develop duller colors is increased predator behavior. Color Change

5 Animals will tend to adapt to their environment and do whatever it takes to ensure survival.
In fruit there are not a lot of factors that change often, so the size of the fruit is the most likely to change for several reasons. Size

6 Animals do not completely evolve right away, they tend to evolve specialties to help them to be more fit to their environment. Increase in smell is something that we expect to see over time. Mice The smell of flowers is most likely to evolve over time to draw insects in. Roses Senses

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