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ДЕПАРТАМЕНТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ГОРОДА МОСКВЫ Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение города Москвы Технологический колледж № 21.

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Presentation on theme: "ДЕПАРТАМЕНТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ГОРОДА МОСКВЫ Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение города Москвы Технологический колледж № 21."— Presentation transcript:

1 ДЕПАРТАМЕНТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ГОРОДА МОСКВЫ Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение города Москвы Технологический колледж № 21 (ГБПОУ ТК № 21) Office etiquette Автор – Реброва Наталья Александровна

2 Some rules If you want to make a career and firmly establish your company's office to examine the rules of etiquette will not be superfluous.

3 Hello! hello first secondary, and then the boss
the only exception is the situation when the boss enters the room where his subordinates sit in this case, it should say the chief of the first words of welcome

4 Handshakes Business etiquette allows the absence of handshakes, but if you like this ritual, it should be remembered that the first woman a man stretches out his hand, but your handshake should be short.

5 Acquaintance according to the rules of etiquette younger age or older are always positions, other things, they have the right to introduce themselves woman, regardless of age and position, never a man calls his name first

6 Enter and leave modern rules of business etiquette recommends that enter and leave the first to the one who is closest to the door. women should not only open the doors themselves, but also to pass other in case of need, regardless - it's a man or a woman.

7 Elevator The same applies to the elevator if in real life a man must enter into the elevator first, work is acceptable, beating male colleague, enter the elevator before him.

8 Telephone call remove the handset is recommended no later fourth ring
it always ends the conversation initiator if during the call, the phone accidentally disconnected, call back, should the one who first dialed if the phone rings while you are communicating with the client, pick up, apologize, tell them that you are currently busy with a visitor to arrange the transfer of the call if the call is too important to postpone it, before talk, certainly apologize to the customer

9 Gifts for holidays under the ban should be personal things like tie, tights and spirits better to opt for a neutral gift well, if your souvenir will be somehow associated with the work all kinds of pens, diaries, organizers, books will always be relevant.

10 Expensive gift in any case, a gift should not be very expensive, especially for the bosses, otherwise bestow or your colleagues may regard your surprise, as flattery. colleague expensive gift you can put in an awkward position: people will feel obligated to give a gift at no cost, which may be out of place for him.

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