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End of Term Assessment.

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1 End of Term Assessment

2 Complete the tasks to assess your knowledge of literacy this term.
This term (15 marks): Who, which, that Clauses Noun Phrases Last term (5 marks) Semicolons Past and present tense.

3 Check your answers – Part 1(15)
1. Should who, which or that be used in the following sentences? a. The dog, which was covered in mud, desperately needed a bath. b. Susan, who owns the shop, is thinking about selling it. c. The ham that we bought for the party isn’t going to feed all those people. d. Which one of you has left their bag behind? Who would like to come to the cinema with me? 2. Identify the clauses in the examples below. Put a tick if they are clauses or a cross if it is an incomplete idea. He really loves desserts. √ b. the big dog X c. running down the road X d. I play football √ e. carefully creeping X 3. Identify the noun phrases in the examples below. Underline the full noun phrase. a. The really enormous, red balloon floated quickly away. b. I walked through the creepy graveyard. c. He avoided the deep, dirty puddle. d. I really want a strawberry ice cream. e. An extremely aggressive prisoner has just been caught.

4 Check your answers – Part 2 (5)
The young boy dreamt about a clown; it was terrifying. He called for his mum. She ran into the room.

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