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MONDAY Find your table based on the card you received when you entered class  Pick up your bellwork paper and be prepared for a number talk. Turn in Homework.

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Presentation on theme: "MONDAY Find your table based on the card you received when you entered class  Pick up your bellwork paper and be prepared for a number talk. Turn in Homework."— Presentation transcript:

1 mONDAY Find your table based on the card you received when you entered class  Pick up your bellwork paper and be prepared for a number talk. Turn in Homework Or Sign the Board

2 Which of these models represent ⅛ of the whole? How do you know?

3 Task! Learning Goal: I will simplify expressions
Success Criteria: I know I have it when… I can use numbers, variables and symbols to write an expression base on words I can distribute I can combine like terms I can rewrite expressions in different forms (expand/simplify)

4 Corral Task You are going to be building a corral for your pigs using fence panels. Each corral has four sides of equal length.

5 Corral task Corrals are constructed side-by-side because the plot of land is long and skinny.

6 Corral task Problem: You need to figure out how many fence panels are needed for any given number of corrals, because right now we don’t know how many corrals will fit on the land. How many fence panels will be needed to create 4 corrals? PREDICT inside your head. BUILD with toothpicks.

7 Corral Task Think-Pair-Share How did you count?

8 Corral task To help us think about how many fence panels would be needed for any number of corrals each student will receive a card with a number on it. The number is how many corrals you have. Draw or build this number of corrals and record your answer on the butcher paper.

9 Corral task How are our answers related? Do you agree with my answer?
As you confirm a solution talk to your neighbor using these questions. How are our answers related? Do you agree with my answer? Do you notice anything that could be a pattern? Prepare to tell the class, “We noticed that…”

10 Corral task Think-Pair-Share Would any of our observations help us to figure out the number of fence panels without having to build the corrals with our toothpicks?

11 Corral task Think-Pair-Share What if I told you that I will have room for 100 corrals--how many fence panels will be needed?

12 Corral task Think-Pair-Share What if I told you that we built the corrals and we used 61 fence panels- how many corrals would that be?

13 Corral task Exit Ticket
Mary said that the number of fence panels is 3n + 1. Sam said the number of fence panels is n + (n + 1) + n. Who is right and how do you know?

14 Hexagon Task Trains 1, 2, 3, and 4 are the first 4 trains in the hexagon pattern.

15 Hexagon Task The first train in this pattern consists of one regular hexagon. For each subsequent train one additional hexagon is added.

16 Hexagon Task Compute the perimeter for each of the first four trains.

17 Hexagon Task Think-Pair-Share
Determine the perimeter of the 10th train without constructing it.

18 Hexagon Task Write a description that could be used to compute the perimeter of any train in the pattern. Explain how you know it will always work. (Use the edge length of any pattern block or the length of a side of a hexagon as your unit of measure.)

19 tUESday 1. 2.

20 Finding Equivalent Expressions
Learning Goal: I will simplify expressions Success Criteria: I know I have it when… I can use numbers, variables and symbols to write an expression based on words I can distribute I can combine like terms I can rewrite expressions in different forms (expand/simplify)

21 On the back of the notes:
Adding Multiplying Combine like terms Distributing x + x x ∙ x x + x + x x ∙ x ∙ x 2x + 5x 2x ∙ 5x 2x + 5x2 Make this T Chart:

22 Variables being multiplied
Add in notes: Two unlike variables being multiplied together: x ∙ y is xy x2 ∙ y is x2y 4x ∙ 2y is 4x2y Two of the same letter variables being multiplied together: x ∙ x is x2 x2 ∙ x is x3 5x ∙ 2x is 10x2

23 Hints If there are variables….look for another form that would simplify to the same answer Substitute THE SAME NUMBER in for the variable to see if solutions are equivalent (example: x=2)

24 Example 1

25 Example 2

26 Example 3

27 For each slide… SELECT ALL THAT APPLY

28 Whiteboard Activity

29 Whiteboard Activity

30 Whiteboard Activity

31 Whiteboard Activity

32 Whiteboard Activity

33 Whiteboard Activity Select all equivalent expressions for:
x + x + 18 2x + 14 2 (x + 9)

34 Wednesday/ Thursday (−3 4 5 ) (−4 1 2 )= (-6 1 4 ) + 2 1 2 =
(−3 4 5 ) (−4 1 2 )= ( ) = 5.8 + (-3.08) =

35 Equivalent expressions
Learning Goal: I will simplify expressions Success Criteria: I know I have it when… I can use numbers, variables and symbols to write an expression based on words I can distribute I can combine like terms I can rewrite expressions in different forms (expand/simplify)








43 Example: Practice Book pg. 142 #9








51 Example: Instruction Book Pg 133 #18

52 Challenge Instruction Book Pg 134 #3

53 Friday The data below represent the weight, in kilograms, of 15 containers shipped from a factory in one week. 45, 51, 53, 55, 55, 65, 75, 81, 84, 87, 93, 93, 95, 96, 100 Write the appropriate value in each box below the box plot.








61 Definitions: Perimeter- the distance around a polygon
To find…add all side together. When working with algebraic expressions… SIMPLIFY!

62 Example: Notes

63 Example: Notes

64 Sign name on homework board set up a blank sheet of paper like this:
MONDAY Pick a seat…it is temporary!!!!! Turn in HOMWORK or Sign name on homework board Then… set up a blank sheet of paper like this: FRONT: BACK: 2. 4. 8.

65 Expressions Review Learning Goal: I will simplify expressions
Success Criteria: I know I have it when… I can use numbers, variables and symbols to write an expression based on words I can distribute I can combine like terms I can rewrite expressions in different forms (expand/simplify)

66 1.

67 2.

68 3.

69 **Show proof on why you chose True or false**
4. **Show proof on why you chose True or false**

70 5.

71 6.

72 7.

73 8.

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