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Review Matter.

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1 Review Matter

2 Behaviors of liquids and gases
Boyle’s principle- as the volume of gas decreases, the pressure of a gas increases, provided the temperature does not change. Ex: weather balloon



5 Recap question Boyles principle as volume of a gas decreases the pressure __increase_______?

6 Recap question Boyle’s law as volume of a gas increase pressure of the gas ____decrases___?

7 Behaviors of liquids and gases
Pascal principle – pressure applied to a fluid is transmitted unchanged throughout the fluid. ex: squeezing the end of a tube of toothpaste.


9 Lets take a look Egg in a plastic bag test.

10 Recap question The pressure applied to a fluid stays the same through out the fluid is expressed by what principle? pascals

11 Behaviors of liquids and gases
Charle’s principle- as temperature increase, the volume increases, provided pressure remains constant. Ex: hot air balloon


13 Recap question When temperature increase volume ___increases

14 Recap question When temperature decrease volume ____? decrease

15 Behaviors of liquids and gases
Bernouilli’s principle- as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure exerted by the fluid decreases. Ex: the design of an airplane wing


17 Recap question When velocity increases in a fluid then pressure ___ decreases?

18 Recap question When velocity in a fluid decreases then pressure in the fluid increase>

19 Composition of matter Compound- atoms of two or more elements combined. Ex: water, (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2)

20 Composition of matter Heterogeneous Mixture- mixture in which different materials can be easily distinguished. Ex: pizza and fruit salad

21 Composition of matter Homogeneous- mixture in which two or more substances are uniformly spread out Ex: vinegar, salt water, Kool-Aid


23 Recap question Italian dressing is an example of what suspsension colloid or a solution?

24 Recap question Water is an example of what colloid, suspension, solution?

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