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Two Houses of Congress.

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1 Two Houses of Congress

2 We are currently in the 115th term of Congress and the 1st session.

3 *The United States Congress is a bicameral body, which means that it is made up of Two houses.

4 A TERM is the length of time between elections
A TERM is the length of time between elections. * A term of Congress lasts for TWO years.

5 * The 20th amendment of 1933 changed the date of the start of a term of Congress from December to January 3. This amendment is sometimes called the Lame Duck amendment because it reduces the time between the election and when they take office

6 There are 2 sessions to each term of Congress
*There are 2 sessions to each term of Congress. Only the President of the United States can call a special session of Congress .Since 1948(or after WWII) this has not been necessary because CONGRESS STAYS IN SESSION ALMOST ALL YEAR LONG

7 *The size of the House of Representatives is set by LAW.

8 The seats in the House are Reapportion or redistributed among the States on the basis of population after each decennial census.

9 The Reaportionment Act of 1929 set up “automatic reapportionment
*The Reaportionment Act of 1929 set up “automatic reapportionment.” This act set the House at 435, but can be changed by another act of congress.

10 *Following each census, the CENSUS Bureau determines the number of seats each state should have. The State legislature determines how the state will REAPPORTION its seats.

11 *Congressional election that occurs in non-presidential election years is called mid-term (off year) elections.

12 * The 17th amendment in 1913 changed the selection of the US Senators by members of the State Legislature to an election by the large large). The Senate is sometimes called “the house that never dies” because only 1/3 of the body goes up for reelection.

13 * The people that members of Congress represent are called their constituents . * A person in office running for reelection is called an incumbent

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