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Bell Work Q3 Week 2.

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1 Bell Work Q3 Week 2

2 Monday- Find figurative language within the poem Cat Scat
Dearest, note how these two are alike: I am watching Cleo listening, our cat listening to Mozart's Magic Flute. What can she be hearing? What can the air carry into her ears like that, her ears swivelling like radio dishes that are tuned to all the noise of the world, flat and sharp, high and low, a scramble of this and that she can decode like nobody's business, acrobat of random airs as she is? Although of course a bat is better at it, sifting out of its acoustic habitat the sound of the very shape of things automat- ically-- and on the wing, at that. The Magic Flute! What a joy it is, I feel, and wonder (to the end this little scat) does , or can, the cat. —Eamon Grennan Monday- Find figurative language within the poem Cat Scat

3 Tuesday- Tuesday 9:00 AM A man standing at the bus stop
reading the newspaper is on fire Flames are peeking out from beneath his collar and cuffs His shoes have begun to melt The woman next to him wants to mention it to him that he is burning but she is drowning Water is everywhere in her mouth and ears in her eyes A stream of water runs steadily from her blouse It takes the three some time to board the bus what with the flames and water and ice But when they finally climb the stairs and take their seats the driver doesn't even notice t hat none of them has paid because he is tortured by visions and is wondering if the man who got off at the last stop was really being mauled to death by wild dogs. —Denver Butson Another woman stands at the bus stop freezing to death She tries to stand near the man who is on fire to try to melt the icicles that have formed on her eyelashes and on her nostrils to stop her teeth long enough from chattering to say something to the woman who is drowning but the woman who is freezing to death has trouble moving with blocks of ice on her feet Tuesday- Tuesday 9:00 AM

4 Wednesday

5 Thursday What historical events from your lifetime will you remember most and talk about in future years?

6 Friday What Is one thing you think should be illegal but isn’t? Give three reasons why this thing should be made illegal.

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