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Learning and Tuning of Neurons in Inferior Temporal Cortex

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1 Learning and Tuning of Neurons in Inferior Temporal Cortex
Learning and Neural Plasticity in the Adult Visual System Society for Neuroscience San Diego, California Bharathi Jagadeesh Department of Physiology & Biophysics University of Washington Seattle, Washington

2 Macaque temporal lobe PG PF V1 TE Ventral or “What” processing stream

3 Pictures of people, places, and things

4 best next best 100 s/s 300 ms Copied from algorithm paper figs. worst

5 What does the selectivity in IT mean?

6 Perceptual similarity
V1 V2 V4 TEO IT Perceptual similarity IT response

7 Perceptual similarity
Image characteristics Experience

8 Similarity of stimuli should explain selectivity in IT cortex
Perceptual similarity Proposed relationship Neural responses in IT

9 Measuring perceptual similarity
Neural responses in IT Proposed relationship Perceptual similarity algorithms

10 How do we use perceptual similarity algorithms?

11 wang3.eps file contains actual image numbers This is a 10X10 image grid created by the imgrandom command

12 Image similarity algorithms
SIMPlicity algorithm Wang et al (2001) Image divided into 4x4 pixel blocks, feature vector is calculated for each block. Feature vector 6-dimensional: Color dimensions, (LUV space, 3 dimensions) , Spatial frequency, wavelet analysis on the L component of the image (3 dimensions) Number of regions using a k-means algorithm. The similarity between two images computed by comparing regions using Integrated Region Matching (IRM). The SIMPLIcity (similarity) distance is weighted sum of similarity between regions. Copied from algorithm paper figs.

13 Calculate image distances between images
25.8 32.2 38.4 33.5 59.9 47.5 31.2 57.9 30.0 40.9 54.9 32.1 Copied from algorithm paper figs.

14 Prediction ? Perceptual similarity Proposed relationship
Perceptual similarity algorithms Neural responses in IT

15 Random images (24) using imgrandom command. In wang1
Random images (24) using imgrandom command. In wang1.eps, 2nd random seed (I.e. run imgrandom twice).

16 3.54 4.07 4.34 4.92 5.13 5.24 5.56 5.72 5.90 5.93 6.05 6.39 6.42 6.49 7.00 7.12 7.33 7.34 7.49 7.50 7.51 52038 image (from previous slide) used as target to search. Created in matlab, using imgLowEMD (WANG), some text deleted. Wang distances shown.

17 Again, as search image, imglowWang used to plot data, but in 10X10 grid. Again, wang distances.

18 SIMPlicity retrieves targets
1.00 0.75 0.5 Precision Copied from Sarah’s creation, in contrast.ppt file is the example image. 0.25 50 100 150 200 Number of Relevant Images Retrieved

19 Algorithms predict perceptual similarity
Proposed relationship Perceptual similarity algorithms ? Neural responses in IT

20 Do perceptual similarity algorithms explain neural responses in IT cortex?

21 best next best 100 s/s 300 ms Copied from algorithm paper figs worst

22 Example cell: image distance between best/next and best/worst
45 best best 30 SIMPLIcity next best worst 15 Copied from algorithm paper figs best-next best best-worst

23 Population: Distance between Best-worst v. Best-Next Best
50 100 best 50 40 worst 30 ( best and worst stimuli) SIMPLIcity best-next best-worst Copied from algorithm paper figs, xl graph from xl file gabe-lin-beh-sfn.xls, which contains numbers drawn from wang_numbers_sra.xls best next best SIMPLIcity (best and next best stimuli)

24 Do other similarity algorithms explain neural responses in IT cortex?

25 Contrast: Doesn’t retrieve targets
50 100 150 200 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Number of Relevant Images Retrieved Precision From sarah, contrast.ppt file

26 And, doesn’t explain IT responses
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 best 0.2 0.1 worst RMS contrast difference (best and worst stimuli) best-next best-worst Copied from algorithm paper figs, xl graph from xl file gabe-lin-beh-sfn.xls, which contains numbers drawn from wang_numbers_sra.xls best next best RMS contrast difference (best and next best stimuli)

27 EMD, another similarity metric: Retrieves targets
50 100 150 200 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Number of Relevant Images Retrieved Precision From sarah, contrast.ppt file

28 And, also explains IT responses
50 100 20 40 60 80 40 30 20 (best and worst stimuli) EMD best-next best-worst Copied from algorithm paper figs, xl graph from xl file gabe-lin-beh-sfn.xls, which contains numbers drawn from wang_numbers_sra.xls best next best EMD (best and next best stimuli)

29 Prediction Behavior Perceptual similarity ? Proposed relationship
Perceptual similarity algorithms Figure from file gabe-lin-beh-sfn.xls, which contains numbers drawn from wang_numbers_sra.xls Neural responses in IT

30 Delayed match to sample (DMS) (easy pair)
Fixation ms Stimulus 16-512ms Mask 256 ms Delay ms Delay ms Response Copied from figures for thesis proposal, then adjusted the size, images replaced by easy image pair from gabe’ behavior data, and the cor_beh_neur4_bj.xls file

31 DMS (difficult pair) Fixation ms Stimulus 16-512ms Mask 256 ms Delay ms Delay ms Response Copied from figures for thesis proposal, then adjusted the size, images replaced by easy image pair from gabe’ behavior data, and the cor_beh_neur4_bj.xls file

32 Measure “perceptual similarity”
Low performance High performance 71% 96% 50 ms stimulus presentation Again, images, percent correct from gabe’ behavior data, and the cor_beh_neur4_bj.xls file

33 Measure neural selectivity
Low performance High performance 71% 96% 50 ms stimulus presentation Copied from gabe’ behavior data, and the cor_beh_neur4_bj.xls file, linus’s neural data 62% 86% Average neural response difference in passive fixation task

34 Neural performance v Behavior
1 r = 0.57 0.9 Neural ROC 0.8 From gabe’ behavior data, and the cor_beh_neur4_bj.xls file and linus’s neural data. The calculation is complicated and not entierely replacable the way I have it stored. 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Behavioral performance

35 Prediction Perceptual similarity Perceptual similarity algorithms
Neural responses in IT

36 Individual correlations
0.6 0.4 Correlation r 0.2 gabe-lin-beh-sfn2004.xls Behavior v neuron Algorithm v neuron

37 Prediction Perceptual similarity Perceptual similarity algorithms
Neural responses in IT

38 Partial correlations Partial correlation r 0.6 0.4 0.2
gabe-lin-beh-sfn2004.xls (but, also uses cor_beh xl file, and the calcs actually done at a web site) Behavior v neuron Algorithm v neuron

39 Perceptual similarity correlated with IT neuron response similarity
Perceptual similarity algorithms Neural responses in IT

40 How does training change the relationship to the algorithm?

41 Passive Association Task
Fixation Predictor Delay Choice Bar release Go Images from swass analysis figures, format from cynthia’s association task No Go Erickson CA, Desimone R (1999)

42 Valid Association Trials
Go Trials No Go Trials Predictor Choice Predictor Choice Go 359 ms No Go Go 377 ms No Go Images from swass analysis figures, format from cynthia’s association task swass146.itm file, 98.7% correct valid trials 100% correct invalid trials Latency valid trials ms Latency invalid trials 437.1ms Go 376 ms No Go Go 369 ms No Go

43 Invalid Association Trials
Go Trials No Go Trials Predictor Target Predictor Target Go 359/473 ms No Go Go 377/465 ms No Go Images from swass analysis figures, format from cynthia’s association task swass146.itm file, 98.7% correct valid trials 100% correct invalid trials Latency valid trials ms Latency invalid trials 437.1ms Go 376/436 ms No Go Go 369/363 ms No Go

44 Response to choice stimulus is correlated with response to predictor
Neural response to choice Images from swass analysis figures, format from cynthia’s association task swass146.itm file, 98.7% correct valid trials 100% correct invalid trials Latency valid trials ms Latency invalid trials 437.1ms Erickson & Desimone (1999) Neural response to predictor

45 Dissimilar stimuli produce similar responses
Images from swass analysis figures, format from cynthia’s association task swass146.itm file, 98.7% correct valid trials 100% correct invalid trials Latency valid trials ms Latency invalid trials 437.1ms Erickson & Desimone (1999)

46 Training breaks relationship to algorithm
35 37 39 41 43 Similar responses Different responses Image distance 35 37 39 41 43 Similar Responses Different responses Image distance gabe-lin-beh-sfn2004.xls, but data copied from that file as well as wang_numbers_sra.xls Passive fixation: No training Association task: Training Data from Erickson & Desimone (1999)

47 Specific conclusions Perceptual similarity algorithms measure (at least partially) the perceptual similarity of stimuli. The same algorithms explain (at least partially) the neural response similarity in IT. But, neural response similarity is better correlated with discrimination performance (measured perceptual similarity) than it is with the image similarity algorithms. And, training that modifies the processing of stimuli breaks the relationship between image similarity and neural response similarity.

48 Jagadeesh lab University of Washington
Katie Ahl Sarah Allred Yan Liu, M.D., Ph.D. Jen Skiver Thompson Andrew Derrington, Ph.D. Cynthia Erickson, Ph.D. J.M.Jagadeesh, Ph.D. Amanda Parker, Ph.D. Jamie Bullis Rebecca Mease Amber McAlister Current members Visiting scholars and collaborators Rotation students & former members

49 Divider What comes after isn’t supposed to be included right now.

50 Methods Record from single neurons in the non-human primate brain, while the primate performs visual tasks. Monitor eye movements so that visual stimulus at the retina is known. In my lab, we record from inferotemporal cortex in the macaque, and are of cortex thought to be important for perception of people places and things.

51 best next best 100 s/s 300 ms Copied from algorithm paper figs worst

52 Population within v across groups
50 100 B 43 41 Image distance 39 (effective v ineffective groups) SIMPLIcity 37 35 Eff Eff-Ineff Copied from algorithm paper figs, xl graph from xl file gabe-lin-beh-sfn.xls, which contains numbers drawn from wang_numbers_sra.xls SIMPLIcity (within effective group)

53 Histograms, population, sorted by emd rank to best
100 200 300 400 500 600 10 20 30 40 time in ms after stimulus onset spikes per second rank 1-8 rank 10-17 rank 18-24

54 Population: all comparisons
-1 -0.5 0.5 1 20 40 60 80 r-value frequency

55 Example : SIMPlicity correlated with neural response
best worst 80 80 60 60 neural response (spikes/second) neural response (spikes/second) 40 40 20 20 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 SIMPLIcity to best SIMPLIcity to worst

56 Population: SIMPlicity is correlated with neural response
80 80 best frequency 60 60 40 40 20 20 80 80 worst 60 60 frequency 40 40 20 20 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 -100 -50 50 100 R-value Slope

57 Population: correlation to each
0.15 SIMPLIcity shuffle 0.12 0.09 Average r-value (absolute value) 0.06 0.03 5 10 15 20 25 Stimulus Rank (best to worst)

58 EMD: Does retrieve images, also explains neural response
B 50 100 20 40 60 80 EMD (best and next best stimuli) (best and worst stimuli) 50 100 150 200 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Number of Relevant Images Retrieved Precision avg EMD example EMD chance

59 Copied from algorithm paper figs.


61 Individual correlations
0.6 0.4 corelation, r 0.2 0.0 neuron/behavior Image sim/neuron Image sim/behavior

62 Individual correlations
0.6 0.4 0.2 beh/neu emd/beh emd/neu

63 Partial correlations 0.2 0.4 0.6 beh/neu img/beh img/neu

64 Invalid v valid latencies
700 600 invalid latencies (ms) 500 400 Data copied from swass-anal-bj xls 300 300 400 500 600 700 valid latencies (ms)

65 Valid v Invalid trial latencies
700 600 10% of trials invalid latencies (ms) 500 400 300 Data copied from swass-anal-bj xls (swass0147, copied from swass-experiment.ppt) 300 400 500 600 700 valid latencies (ms) 90% of trials

66 With training, IT relationship to algorithmic image similarity breaks
50 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 within effective across across Copied from this file (from algorithm paper figures) -- left graph. Copied from r ppt files for cynthia’s data. within effective Data from Erickson and Desimone (1999)

67 V1 V2 V4 TEO IT V1 response orientation

68 Proposal: IT neurons represent the perceptual similarity of stimuli.

69 Prediction Behavior Perceptual similarity ? Proposed relationship
Perceptual similarity algorithms Figure from file gabe-lin-beh-sfn.xls, which contains numbers drawn from wang_numbers_sra.xls Retrieval 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 Image diff Neural responses in IT

70 Characteristics of algorithms
Rely heavily on color content of images Pairwise comparison, not a parametric space Ignores “cognitive” information But, works for realistic images, because images that are similar to one another in the real world tend to share patterns of colors.

71 Algorithms predict perceptual similarity
Test of algorithm in “spiked” databases. Correlation between algorithm and human sorting of images. Correlation between algorithm and monkey performance in discrimination task.

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