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Science Planner 11/7/17 Goal: Finish Radiometer Lab. Everything

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Presentation on theme: "Science Planner 11/7/17 Goal: Finish Radiometer Lab. Everything"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Planner 11/7/17 Goal: Finish Radiometer Lab. Everything WU: The planet Mercury is .39 a.u. from the Sun. How much more intense is the light it receives from the Sun compared to the Earth? Equation 1/x2. Mars is a.u. away. How much less intense is the light there? CW: Radiometer Lab – Energy Transfer Lab turned in. Eclipses

2 Announcements


4 Vocabulary Radiation - is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space. Light - is electromagnetic radiation, all wavelengths. 1. Travels 186,232 miles per second in a vacuum. 2. Wave/Particle duality. 3. Travels in straight lines in a vacuum. 4. Varies in intensity. 5. Interacts with matter. 6. Contains many colors and wavelengths. 7. Carries Energy and information.

5 Radiometer Lab Question – Hypothesis – Materials – Procedure – Data Table – Observations – Conclusion -

6 History of Everything (sort of)



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