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Future of Advisory Services in SE Europe (SEASN Region)

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1 Future of Advisory Services in SE Europe (SEASN Region)
Igor Hrovatič, Head of Sector for Advisory Service Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia Mosonmagiarovar, 20th June 2018 57th IALB and 7th EUFRAS Conference SEASN and ESEE Meeting Mosonmagiarovar, Hungary

2 General characteristic in relation between advising and farming, including with „SEASN region“
Farmers need the right form of affordable farm advice more urgent than ever; Advisory service should be avaible from small to professional farmers, because of type of farms, type of farming and multifunctional role of agriculture; Advisory service as an innovation support in the rural areas in field of progress, environment, investments, rural development, animal welfare, economy (including circular economy), young farmers etc; Advisory service has a special role in society. Their know-how, responsibility, daily work, etc., all have „public impact“. So the advisor should have a public role; Advisory service as an institution with key role in knowledge transfer from R&D to the practise; Advisory service as impartial and independent service, giving the impartial and farm tailored advice.

3 New role of advisors and advisory service 1. On expert field
Well educated and trained advisor on different skills, to be trusted by farmers (technology, economy, „soft skills“, digitalisation, environmental requirements, measures funded by public finance); From linear advisor to coaching (as facilitator, and broker for cooperation and innovation development); discussion group method/tool as important metod for advising in SEASN region countries, especially with and for progress of competitiveness of farms; Holistic orientation of advisory work (to community, consumers, not just to farmers); Training of advisors: ensure the same level of training. Advisors should exchange knowledge and experiences between them self in whole region. CECRA as a common certificate for advisors, participation in different projects, participating on expert conferences organising by national advisory service and SEASN;

4 2. On political field Advisory service as important institution for each country as a road for planning and negotiate specifics and needs in agriculture for the country, and road for implementation of measures on the farms and rural areas; Supporting advisory service and knowledge transfer through public funds , mostly from CAP measures : Measures for advisory service have to have a strong role in Strategic plans of EU member states from SEASN region, Measures for advisory service have to be a part of pre - accession measures too; Ensuring stable finance, including public funds; Active SEASN network.

5 Conclusion: Characteristics of farming and rural areas in countries of SEASN region and importance for their further development represent the mission for advisory service in this region. For implement this mission all necessary conditions must be ensured. Important role of SEASN network. Thank you We are living in a time when many questions arise, but they are slowly turning to ideas and solutions.


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