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Deviance and Social Control

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1 Deviance and Social Control
Chapter 7 Section 1

2 Nature of Deviance Deviance – a behavior the departs from societal or group norms - criminal behavior to being gay Very hard to distinguish in our society Negative Deviance – Behavior that breaks/goes against what societies norm says is right or wrong -these are the killings, lies, rape, murder Positive Deviance – behavior that over conforms to the norm (society says small is good so a person develops a eating disorder) - anorexia

3 Deviant – a person who breaks one or more significant societal norms -serious criminals
They are punished for the negative behavior (they must be punished)

4 Social Control Social Control – how we promote or make sure that people stick to the norms - Why we walk in front of cars at red lights, let waiters/waitresses give you your food 2 Types: Internal Social Control – Happens when you grow up (parents, friends create this). Reason you don’t steal External Social Control – ways society controls you - Gossip, jail, fines, low grades, smiles, awards, bonuses

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